More $40-$55 Motors from Banggood (5045 200KV, 5060 280KV, 5065 200KV, 6368 280KV)

We are still looking for the golden goose. 6374, 150kv to 200kv, SENSORED, and preferably with silicone wires and at Chinese direct prices. Oh and sealed can style so no rocks get in there and its stronger, the ones with all the holes break more easily.

First factory to make this combo will get a lot of orders.

Should do it in what sense? Why do you want to change the phase wires?

Because the ones on this motor look very small. Nearly as small as balance leads

i found this:
And there u can buy with or without hall sensor. Looks pretty good. And what is more important someone postivley commented this auction :smiley:

Awesome find! $40 usd and you can even customize the KV. The standard KV is 180kv which is pretty decent for 12s. I wonder if we could ask for silicone wires also.

We could aks but we dont know chinese :joy:

Also i found this beast:

In the sentence before this one he said himself that the coils are this thin - what should the benefit be of bigger phase wires? Please explain to me what you guys think will happen! More current? The bottleneck will still be the windings.

No I realise that the the phase wire size will not allow for more current, although it will help to keep the wires cooler. If the windings are the same sized as the phase leads that would mean this motor would be able to handle maybe 10amps max before the windings or phase leads melt. I presumed that the windings would be larger than these tiny leads so by adding larger phase leads, yes you would be able to use more current. Like I said before I did not know that the windings are the same size as the phase leads. Even though there must be some benefit because look at every major motor manufacturer they all use larger wires around 12awg but small windings, why is this? I don’t know but there must be a reason, maybe you can tell us?

Two new motors popped up @ Banggood

6355 230KV 6374 240KV

Not ultra-cheap, $69 and $79 respectively. Both unsensored, 10mm shaft with keyway. Full, throughout specs and dimensions listed.


KV are a bit too high for most setups unfortunately

Great find. These definitely look better than one with thin wires I posted. But as you said, too expensive and you need at least 20mm diameter for circlip clearance. So for this price, SK3 is better choice :wink:

Very excited to see the Brotherhobby brand though. Highest quality multirotor motors I have ever flown. They tend to listen to customers. Ask for 190KV and explain why and you may receive.

Edit:sent brother hobby a PM through rcgroups. They are very active there.

Key features typically associated with their motors. Proper silicone flexible phase wires. Arc magnets/reduced air gap for increased efficiency and torque. Last but not least, tidy windings & high quality bearings.

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7cm - 2.5cm does not seem like 7.4 cm?

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If the measurements are correct, it’s not a 6374. See that post, there are measurements for a real 6374, the can by itself + the read cover is 80mm

Good price though. But I’m a bit afraid of those thin phase wires.

And if you read like 15 posts above, you would get the answer about the “measurements”.

I’ve seen your post. But I would rather trust the measurements written on the picture than the picture itself as sellers often just “steal” pictures from each others and probably don’t reflect the real product.

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In this case I believe that images reflect actual product but I have already sent inquiry to BG about this motor a week ago. For anything more exact someone would have to buy one :slight_smile:

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Probably ollin’s 5065 200kv motor

Did you buy it? Found it a little cheaper on eBay, but I wonder if these motors are good.

Guys are Racestars 5065 both 140 and 200KV went up on Banggood?