Mini remote crappy switch

I’ve purchased 4 mini remotes, in all of them the on/off switch went bad after a couple of weeks of use, how are you guys fixing this issue?

Define “bad” please. Pictures are also always helpful :slight_smile:

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I’ve been using one for month and noticed the switch is super flimsy. Still working though. Did you need to replace your bad switches?

I haven’t had a switch break on any of mine yet after months of use. Are you possibly pushing down too hard on the switch. I usually hold the remote in my right hand and use a finger nail from the left hand to switch it.

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Maybe it’s time to work on a new enclosure for the remote!

I’ve been thinking about this for a while actually…

I just got 1 in today. First thing g I did was tear it apart to get an idea of internal dimensions. I’m going to start drawing up a case next week.

My first decision is do I leave it a finger trigger or convert it to thumb trigger?

Please keep the finger trigger, people who like the mini and GT2B will thank you

I will… It’s how I love it.

I took one apart a few weeks ago and was surprised how much space their was. The pcbs inside are tiny. This thing could easily be as small, if not smaller than the winning remote.

I need to find someone who knows solid works or a similar 3d rendering software. I don’t have time right now to learn it.

I have several ideas for a really nice remote, maybe @jackw could give us a hand, just need to send him some first ideas and the inside of the original mini enclosure

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the pcb seems small at first, but once you add battery, charge circuit, pots… it ends up pretty big.

maybe can change to using one cell of 18650 battery instead of AA battery.

That would be the idea, just add a micro usb and it’s done.

if only it were that easy. made a new thread to try to care about the mini remote again.

My forth mini remote switch failed today, this is not ok!

my switch going to die soon. any solution how to replace the switch?

I bought a 3 pin switch for my first remote that is working flawlesly, it’s something like this:

I just broke the on/off switch on one of my mini remotes.

Had to search for a new one to solder in.

Just look for “SK12D07VG4” and you will find the correct switch.


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