Metr Pro - Next Gen Bluetooth Module

The standalone Perimetr app is done. Now it is integrated in metr. Look at the «Expert» option in the menu.


Hi, Yesterday I bought a SmartWatch with android Wear OS but can not find the app anywhere. has that been removed from the Playstore?

They way it works is you install Android app on your phone and Wear OS counterpart is automatically installed on your watch

Where can i order this ???

You will find out! Wait for announcement, the countdown ends soon :wink:


Any feedback on the reconnecting problem in the modes and expert menu? Everything works, but as mentioned, after 10-20 seconds I would say it always disconnects and immediately reconnects. ALso the wh/km reading is always higher than when I divide total wh / total range. The daily range doesn’t reset after a day. Any thoughts on these flukes? Thank you (ackmaniac will not be working with metr ever?)

@Pantata I don’t think I ever saw reconnecting problem. Can you send logs? Wh/km wrong reading is confirmed and being fixed. The range should reset after a day. Try to check tomorrow. The compatibility with ackmaniac, I really tried to make it work, I can see on my end that request is coming and reply is sent successfully for GET_VERSION command, but then the Android app just seems to ignore it :confused:

Thank you for the answers man :slight_smile: Will send logs. It does it by itself, I don’t even have to be reading the config. Just simply entering the modes tab and the expert menu triggers reconnection…

After a slightly messy bailout and a shattered IPhone screen, I have been using an old throw away Android phone to connect with my metr and check distance, motor temps, etc… with the throw away phone, I do not have a sim card and use wifi for any network needed… When i attempt to upload my log files to view on a device with a larger screen, it just sits there and never uploads… in the application log, the error is an SSL Handshake error… upon watching wifi traffic, no request is ever sent from the application. It seems that the software just kind of ignores the wifi connection and only uses cell… it would be nice to be able to connect via wifi

I just tested record upload on Moto G4 with Android 7.0 and it worked fine. The phone doesn’t have a SIM card, only using Wi-Fi. Please do some more investigation, maybe connecting your phone with USB cable and running adb logcat will give you some hints

Logcat gave less useful information than the log files… I am happy just assuming my phones (running Android 4.4) are too old…

How do I share a recorded log (on my iPhone) to the forum here?

I was thrown off my board earlier today, but was recording through the metr pro app when it happened, and wanted to see if anyone can help diagnose it so it won’t happen again.

Nevermind, I figured it out

If someone else is looking for an answer: records, choose record, upload, copy url in the opened browser window, paste url in forum (has to be supported).

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metr offers two options to record the speed and show it in the upload. One is by GPS data and the other is by RPM and number of poles of the motor and some calculation on wheel circumference. It would be very handsome if the raw eRPM or mRPM would show up as an individual channel on the uploaded graphic although the GPS speed is taken as reference. This feature would be helpful for all applications where you use a gearshift and also for propeller driven vehicles. Thank you.

So my auto record has stoped working over the last week but it’s turned on in the app. All works fine if I manually start recording.

Same here. 10c

@Darkie02 @DAddYE logs please?

Convinced ISO updated recently about the same time guessing that update broke things.