Member Appreciation Thread

well you’ve fully taken on the mantle my friend and good on you for that. I’m Irish, brought up in London and now living in Aus. Gets very confusing during the rugby world cup.


Not really! Borrow my tactic. I put four different shirts on in reverse pecking order and then peel back the layers as teams go out. That way I’m always patriotic at some point :smiley:


bring that fuckin chat back!!!

nah but fo real thanks man :heart:


Thank you to:

@mmaner for being the OG donare extraordinaire

@Sender for being a massive help to me, a great builder, and a hell of a man just in general

@torqueboards for outstanding customer service

@Deckoz for being another eskater who understands the want for boards that feel like DH planks

@b264 for the epic policing of grammar and making funnies

@Skunk for being kewl

Edit: @rey8801 for being super helpful

@okp … sick jumps, bro


I would to thank… @mmaner for being an all around good guy and passing along his knowledge.

@Deckoz for helping me set up my values on my vesc when setting up my board.

@psychotiller for making some awesome affordable enclosures

@scepterr for building my battery and putting out the money to include me in last years cyber Monday sale from enertion and saving me about 150 bucks.

@marcmt88 for making some awesome mounts.


Ima Thank … @Hummie for giving us a good laugh from time to time @akhlut for being a cool dude (hope I can ride with u for real sometime) @GrecoMan for helping me with retarded mistakes @BigBoyToys for keeping me from giving the F*** up. :pensive: @Mikenopolis How can you not appreciate him @Kug3lis He’s just a badass and creates cool shit
@JLabs Good prices (Sadly can’t be shipped to PA) And all the good people that create badass boards.


As i said. My list will go on… :wink:

@Kug3lis (Dude makes awesome shit!) @torqueboards (Always has stuff for me) @scepterr (Advice guy) @longhairedboy (No f’s given) @onloop (Brought me into esk8 with the Raptor 1 and this forum) @BigBoyToys (Cool mother fucker) @okp (Dude has some slick stuff) @psychotiller (6 Shooters. Enough said) @rpasichnyk (Just take a peek at his app) @Hummie (Let’s talk hubs…)


First off I want to thank @Namasaki, @mmaner and @psychotiller for their advice and patience with my bad english and dumb questions! @onloop for creating the site. @longhairedboy for creating informative and useful content in a fun and creative manner. @stewii and @LukePL for Escapes and enclosure which are a treat. @thisguyhere for organizing and shipping things to akward places. @b264 for clear opinions and commuter build knowledge.


I need to continue! @Martinsp for fixing my stuff. @Skunk for just who he is and making my day several times. @Hummie for his helpfulness and bettig his left ball. @rojitor for his humor and the boss spotwelder thread. Just everyone who contributes here in a constructive way!


Thanks for the mention. I’m humbled by the company you put me with.

Ugh…there are so many here that I so very much appreciate

Let’s go way back… @onloop thanks for emailing me to invite me to the builders forum. Without this place, the rest of you would never be in my life.

You all have become very dear to my heart :heart: Especially after this weekend. I can’t wait to meet the rest of you. I have made so many new friends because of this site…and have made great ones as well.

I’ll just single out Jason…But to my brothers (and sisters) on here… You know who you all are - BIG LOVE :heart:


:relaxed: Thanks dude


I do it for the lolz


:clap: :heart::heart::heart:

This community is blessed with movers and shakers. Doers not dont’ers.

Selfless innovative motivated productive people.

Many have helped me in some way in my short time here.
Other are pillars of our community I’ve yet to have the pleasure.

Some I’ve forgotten /neglected to mention please kick my arse whenever. lol

In no particular order…lol


Dingo Dangly, onloop, mmaner, Mikenopolis, hummie, DilatedPupils, MoeStooge, Flashgod224, Kaly sayekim, Arzamenable, Acido, dareno, Kug3lis, Andy87, anorak234, sender, longhairedboy, Namasaki, Deodand, Pat.speed, lowGuido, laurnts, barajabali, Michaelinvegas, mutantbass.

And the list goes on and on…

squishy654, Alphamail, Winfly, TowerCrisis, TinnieSinker, Jebe, Skunk, Wraith, brenternet, L3chef, ethel, Joker3366, Saturn_Corp, Tamatoa, Vanarian, Battosaii, Grozniy, moon, Blitz, Mobutusan, akhlut, Riako, Goonman, michichopf, Jinra, b264, Ackmaniac, Deckoz, okp, Eboosted Linny.

And the list goes on and on…

mynamesmatt, Irdesigns, goldrabe, yelnats8j, briiman05, eb1925, GrecoMan, Trancejunkexxl, SeanHacker, Thisguyhere, JonnyMeduse, Sebike, Nemesis…lol

And the list goes on and on…:heart:

Sometimes it’s hard to find direction in life. Sometimes people just pick up the ball and run with it.

To All members of this community and especially those above I humbly thankyou :heart:


@marcmt88 for the high quality drive systems! Been using them for all three of my boards

@torqueboards for the awesome motors and VESCS

@Wajdi for the Photon remote, and hopefully the Proton in future!

@rey8801 for helping me out with my remote problem on my first build

I’ll add on more when more pop up in my head


Thanks to @LEVer who helped me a lot when I was a newb building my first Esk8. Thanks to @torqueboards who also helped me a lot along the way. Thanks to @Michaelinvegas who inspired me to make better Esk8 videos. Thanks to @Hummie who inspired me to push the limits of my Vesc settings. There are So Many who have contributed so much but I would like to give special recognition to the Innovators who have taken this hobby from it’s humble beginning to where it is today. The builds of today are simply Amazing!


imma jump on this bandwagon and thank @Namasaki for inspiring me to build a LiPo Esk8 with a bms. ngl, i didn’t think i could also @dareno because he’s my aussie m8 and like 2 of his builds are my desktop background and @BoostedBuilder for just making cool shit and being a great oh and @dickyho , you make a crackin mount


thats the only reason is it? charming that is. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::sunglasses: Cheers Mate ay


:joy::joy: nah darl you know the real reasons lol


OMG there is so much love on this forum right now that I can’t tell if this is the internet or real life?


It’s a bit like Christmas mood :sweat_smile: