Making the A200S 16s 200A, high powered VESC HW6

Plus y’all gotta remember, human impedence gives us right around ~48v and under being safe to touch.

Those pushing 12s+ have the possibility of shock hazard.

Your asking for a system capable of killing you while performing maintenance…

Just reminding you of a hazard to be aware of… lol


what about me?


Ok, sorry if I wasn’t specific, but I was also trying not to further stray from the topic by naming people individually. REGARDLESS, can we move forward and quit with the pissing contest, member bashing? Some people here actually are trying to discuss the topic, so please, can we just focus on the topic…

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Ok good job guys, super mature. Peace.

I meant that tattu told me they sell directly but their second class stuff ends up at hobbyking. if you buy from them directly in bulk you can get a discount but their stuff is expensive as you know

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or I meant to put that post in the other thread.

but in this thread…the vesc was designed for eboards. you can put it on an eboard or with this thing a bike or whatever. considering how many vescs blow up maybe this is the safest bet for a board.

I would like to build like 48S ESC with 20A capability for decent 4kW/motor setup it would be really efficient and nano size with no heatsinks required but also ducking deadly as 200VDC is deadly. Of course, this would require ~50KV motor and I still have no idea how motor would react to 200VDC :slight_smile: All the components would look like small XT60 connectors, 3mm bullets :smiley:


I’m sorry, but this is hilarious


@Deckoz @GrecoMan @Surfer @uigiroux there seems to be a lot of confusion here so I’m locking the thread until I can sort out 13 flags just created. Let’s try to keep civil.