Leisure Industry Features That We Could Implement

Since you’re so critical of @Ackmaniac, do you plan on writing it yourself?

What makes you say that? I feel like the feature would still be useful in the sense you’re saving a ton of battery and it just sounds hella fun to pump and coast forever

Ah, so I just competed a build a 4wd carvon build with a 12s5p pack. It is heavy. Like, really heavy. I had to kick push it a few blocks to get somewhere because my board had some issues. It wasn’t fun lol.

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Yeah that makes sense I didn’t really think of the hassle of pushing a really heavy board. I was thinking of a 2wd 12s4p carvon build on a subsonic talon 37 with a foam core to reduce the weight. Do you think that would be too heavy to pump up to 10mph without struggling too much?

It’s the first few pushes that are difficult. Braking with the motor should be fine though.

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After all, how many of us have a BT Mod in our boards? A Friefly? Lights? Go Pros Attachments? Photon Remotes? None of the above is needed yet were all ready to throw money at them! All i’m saying is , The criticism on implementing “non-needed features” when we buy un-needed things on a daily basis. If you don’t want it and it’s not for you , keep it stepping, but don’t be arguing against the advancement of ESK8’s

…right; like the X-Things, Idlers, XT connectors, 107 uro wheels, carry on handles, LED lights, etc., etc.

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I like it, no… love it. a true push assist board. My only issue is when going downhill. Physics majors , correct me if I’m wrong on this, but if your going downhill even if the motor and stop supplying power , the wheels are still going at that speed , and if steep enough accelerating fast. Because of the power supplied by the motors before hand, you’re maybe going at a speed far faster than you would if you had originally gone down with a regular Board.

Maybe instead of allowing freeroll, the motors work to slowly , very slowly decelerate based on the curve of the speed you’re going rather than freewheel ? The deceleration would be miniscule enough to be overpowered by the kickpush, but enough to assist in footbraking?

One thing I don’t really like about PID no acceleration is the lack of free rolling.

Like in my post above, you could set a max speed for assist, ideally have it push you hardest at lower speeds and taper off to 0 assist at a defined higher speed, so that small assist doesn’t send you flying if accelerating down a hill, it will only help until a certain set speed. This way you can freewheel while going faster, like bombing a hill if you like, but still have brakes available.

With PID no acceleration, it seems to just hold the speed you choose, braking for you going downhill and speeding you up going uphill. I’d love a board that just helps you push a bit by applying some small wattage when accelerating while tapering off that small wattage to zero as speed increases, maintains speed to a certain point, tapers off the speed over time if not accelerating (such as uphill or flats as opposed to rolling downhill), and otherwise freewheels at higher speeds.

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This might just be a stepper motor thing, but I believe you can set it up so that the motor resists any difference in speed both faster and slower.

If not natively I’m sure there’s a way to do it in software.

If you want that the board doesn’t brake when you become faster then you should disable braking for speed control in the PID settings. This way it will freewheel when you become faster.

That sounds nice on paper, but many will argue that they prefer the feeling of free rolling.

Sure… but if you’re going to pay to expedite it, Benjamin will make it better then I or others will, so you should have him do it instead of me or Ackmaniac. Why don’t you just do it?

I wish this wasn’t all vedder vs ackmaniac but vedder with ackmaniac.

The problem with vedder is that he is always very busy and sits in his ivory tower aka vesc-project forum. Over there all the talk is so high-tech that most of us do not feel comfortable.

I love that Ackmaniac hangs out with us and his can-do attitude. The problem is that he could not act so fast and would not get donations if he were working on the official repository together with vedder. This is a pretty lame predicament.

One feature that might be added to the list - braking when battery is fully charged, like discussed in here:

Would be a nice safety feature I think - but i am a esk8 noob, what do you think?

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It would be so dope if the vesc had a connection for a silicone heating mat that we can put underneath the griptape as a brake chopper like some mainstream boards have

Not only if the battery is full but also if you go down a hill that is steeper than what your battery should safely charge.


This dump load would need to come from the BMS not the ESC

Yeah it’d mean our maximum braking capability would no longer be dependent on what our batteries can handle. Lately I’ve been thinking about something a little less subtle, like dumping the power to some exposed nichrome wires under the board.

This is basically what I want to see at night :joy: Imgur


They need this because their battery is tiny (100Wh 10S1P if i am right). With a decent battery like 10S4P you don’t need that. That is also the reason their brakes won’t work anymore at high speeds because the battery current will be too high. Of course they could still allow braking and risk to stress your battery but then they might have too many warranty issues.

In theory with a proper battery you could still have that issue when you charge the battery completely full and roll down a long hill directly from the start. But even then the effect is little with a proper sized battery. And most chargers (not all) will only charge a 10S battery to somewhere like 41.6V. So there is enough wiggle room.

They just simply needed to find solutions for the undersized battery.


I think I understand - but my impression on this forum is that there are at least some people that also don’t have a “decent” battery…

I am starting my first build with a 10s2p and am living in a hill area - so i am already curious how this will work out :wink:

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If you are a heavy guy and your gearing is high it won’t work well. I would recommend 10S3P as a minimum for a weight of like 75kg. Biggest issue are the brakes with small batteries. With Lipos it is another story of course.