I screwed up and bought a Flipsky...now what?

Uhm guys? We’re all on the same side here, building awesome electric death machines. Let’s be nice to the newcomers, as well as everyone else.


Problem is when the newcomers have the know-it-all attitude. They don’t want to learn, they want things done for them.


sure whatever you like :wink:

@SeanHacker everyone tried to explain to him that 4wd was possible and i even stated all the ways possible

I’m pretty sure most here would like. :wink:

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can we close this thread

tag mmaner?

oh wait you cant close discussion threads


next time i also just go tell the guy to use the search bar :joy:

Why? Seems ridiculous

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questions that have been answered thousands of times

i typed in 4wd flipsky and this popped up near the top

Who you callin a hoe!?!?

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you replied to the wrong person haha

Sorry lol. @SeanHacker. Who you callin a hoe!?! You dont know me!!!

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Nice. Good on you dude. In the real world sometimes people are new to a forum or forums in general. They don’t even know what a search bar or searching is. Or maybe emotions of a first purchase happens. Or maybe they search under the wrong search terms and can’t find what they’re looking for. Or something else. These threads only become useful if we help.

No hard feelings at all on my end dude. I like you. I think I’ve just had it with the rude shit going on around the forums lately. Just remember when you were brand new. It might help the empathy levels a bit. :wink:


Do I need to tho? :smiley:

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@AlanZhou To be fair, sean has a point. Ive been called worse and couldn’t care less. Guys calls me dumb but says he spent all this money for something that doesn’t work but it clearly does :call_me_hand:t3:


haha its fine, sry got a bit pissed when he spit the term dumbass out


@AlanZhou My hero!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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now im wondering though where he got all the money to buy a lot of parts in a previous thread :wink:

im blame everything on my state test, that shit pissed me off 9 short responses and 2 extended responses