I am trying to build a 4wd e board and need help

no one is going to answer that! SEARCH! lolz

Edit: added “lolz”

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seriously though have you given up on me and my board

Dont worry guys, I fixed the title and moved to build thread :+1:


thanks a lot

In all realness that is where it belongs. You have turned this thread into a Q&A about your build

we have given up on answering questions that you will find answers for yourself doing some research. we’ll gladly help you with any problems that might arise, but if you keep asking and not showing that you’ve done your homework, we’ll answer with memes and trolling. jk. or am I?

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yeah at first i thought my build was half decent now you guys have shown me its nothing (seriously thanks not being sarcastic for once)

is this the right kind of post

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The diyeboard parts are good for an entry-level esk8. But very limited performance and reliability


It’s not nothing. It’s a starting point for your journey. The next step needs to be researching your planned upgrades and not just asking everyone to review things you’re considering buying. Lipos, escs, remotes, etc have all been discussed to death here and you’re obviously getting negative flack for asking asked questions. We’re a shitty bunch here but we can be helpful sometimes :man_shrugging:

Fellow trolls, might I suggest responding with links to the tops of helpful threads. Annoying, yet insightful is win win


I don’t get it.

I never understood in the first place why you wanted to upgrade if you were happy with your board.

No one ever told you it’s “nothing”. Maybe a diyeboard isn’t considered a beast among the beasts that are built here, but you’re definitely not the only one here building with those parts, and if you’re happy with your ride, everyone’s happy for you.


i found that out now trying to look for thread about amps volts and stuff like that

This is the best place to start

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thanks for some positive contribution doing research now though

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My advice is keep riding your board until it fails or until you have outgrown it.

There’s no guarantee of non-failure no matter what parts you use.

Vibration is real, especially with hub motors, but as was mentioned before, a lot of things contribute to this phenomenon… Upgrading your battery and escs are definitely not going to help you here :grin:

Don’t start spending and upgrading now. Letting time pass is often a good thing. You’ll have plenty time for researching and riding.


as i said before we started talking about food i think in the mean time i will go and upgrade a prebuilt dual motor board

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Punctuation, my son. Punctuation…

@sebike :yum:

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noooooooooooo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I agree with the others. Finish this thing, despite it being a somewhat inefficient build when looking at the performance.

If we go by the specs known to us, the esc will require a battery pack that delivers 100a total max. Each esc outputs 50a for two motors (25 per motor). That means most if not all Chinese 10s3p packs will be out, most likely also the 10s5p depending on the cells used.

Your esc is presoldered to be anything from 8 to 10 or 12s. Before you proceed, you have to figure out what you bought.