How-To: Anti-Spark XT-90S Loop Key

And very unlucky

Just chiming in here. With the non-resistor Female side fixed to deck - you can use any old XT-90 male w/ or w/o resistor/anti-spark in a pinch.

I’ve killed a few resistors/XT-90s and do not want to cut out and re-mount into my enclosure or deck.

Yes the “male” w/ resistor is cleaner and less able to short, but i like the more reliable and flexible way i setup the anti-spark loop key for these reasons.

my .02


Making it this way should work though, right


yes that will work.

That’s a nice panel mount. Would anyone with a printer in EU care to print one for me and take my money? :yum:

thank you :slight_smile:


I can ship you one too :yum:


That’d be really nice! Thank you! PM me your paypal and total $

so long as the plug is fully inserted it wont burn out.

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Stop me if i wrong, This is just a loop key that finishes the (Negitive/orPositive) line to say the Vesc, am i missing something?

I tend to over complicate things :slight_smile:

I like what you did, Can I just Solder the cable right on instead of using 6mm gold connectors? And can i just use my leftover Xt90 Male and female connectors?

IS it working good I want to do the same thing as you, Also Do you Loop the positive or negative?

Did you just only use soldering TO make the loop? no copper?

Do some reading, you’ll get more answers


I’ve written: [quote=“paulus_germanus, post:33, topic:204”] Soldered a bridge between the connectors like @sl33py did. I did it with two 2mm bullet connectors. [/quote]

By that I meant that I’ve soldered the bridge between the connectors with two 2mm bullet connectors :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Reading is boring and takes time. So does scrolling and clicking on the search button.


I second that :innocent:

Yeah it’s still working very good after one year, I’m looping the positive

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I am having trouble with a super slow board, and wanted to narrow some stuff down… I used 14 gauge wire to do this. Will this slow current enough to affect speed?

IT depends on the following,

What is your battery setup like,

How much does your Vesc/esc pull or draw,

loop key should be ad-least the same AWG/size as the wire anything less will become the weakest part of the chain. (your Cable)

Stop after going up an especially big hill or using the most power you’d typically use – and see if it’s hot

If it’s hot you should increase the size. That goes for everything too, not just a loop key

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