HELP Soldering my batterys

Ye, i have some metres around. Where do you live @pedro? I am at the south of Galicia.

This thread gave me an aneurysm. I gotta stop tracking it…


mine are welded like this now:

why? I use 60/40 all the time. As long as its not that lead free bullshit we’re good.


I have no idea what i am using. It’s cheap therefore the numbers are fake. Probably 80/20

What exactly is so bad about lead free solder? I’ve done some reading and really with the right tools it should work just as well, or at least that’s what I thought.

I use lead free, and it has seemed to work well enough, almost no cold joints.

Small PCB work is normally fine with just the rosin core. For soldering large things like XT90’s and 5.5mm bullets, I will use a liquid flux. This gives great results for me and the solder wets very well.

I’m aware leaded solder is easier to use especially with just a heat stick, but with the right equipment lead free should be fine right?

I just want to make sure I’m not taking any unnecessary unforseen risk.

From @thisguyhere

Edit: just saw your in Portugal, you can always use eBay, there are several European sellers.


in my experience, lead free is more trouble than its worth if you’re working with it every day.

Fair enough. The only reason I use it is I tend to get messy when cleaning my tips, sending small solder balls to the floor.

You really shouldn’t solder your balls.


Masochism takes it’s toll :pensive:

You are a trully sadomasochist party pooper :egg::egg:


im in Porto or Oporto

A sua casa fica a 90 minutos da minha. Eu não falo português mas entendo. Galego é semelhante. I can supply a few nickel metres if you need. Saudações

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