Going to order 30Q cells, group buy I guess? -- parts 1 and 2 are done, thank you

I need some too I’m going to order

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I would like 20 battrey’s 10s2p shipped to Ireland how much?

this isn’t a store…

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I would get like 100 who else need some

How many do we need to buy?

I’ll have a medium latte…


Can I get extra large with extra pepperoni?


as long as you order 50+ from nkon, per cell price should be about $3.5.

if you get too many you may get an import duties bill. I got a bill for $40 for 600 cells, package was almost 70lbs.

doesn’t really make sense to do a group buy on these, just get em yourselves.


Thanks I’ll order some myself

With Whipped Cream

Hey @thisguyhere you don’t happen to have 16 cells left do you? I ordered 233… And split them up between boards…now i need 16 more cells and shipping from nkon for 16 is well… Lol

Figured I’d ask before order more…blehhh

Not cheap but you could go IMR, it’s like $89 shipped… better than 30 euro for shipping 16 batteries from NKON


sorry, I have cells but they’re earmarked as of now.

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All good @thisguyhere just figured I’d ask :slight_smile: @Sender good call man :slight_smile:

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Nkon really jumped up their prices for 30q recently. I’m always on the hunt for a good 30q deal maybe in the 500 ct range

Even now at 500ct nkon is charging about $3.75 shipped

IMR is at about $4 shipped

Liion wholesale is about $5 shipped

Just order 56 … I’m sure someone around here will need 40 LoLz

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Is this group buy going to happen again soon? I need 54.

54 is plenty to order on your own

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Get Samsung INR18650-30Q (not button-top) from https://ru.nkon.nl

I can MAYBE get you hooked up to the summer when school is done, I can buy no vat in EU at low price shipped to me if we’re talking over 300