German Esk8 Laws

The proposal for scooters with handlebar is now online. It’s worth to take a look. 50 pages of pure germaness. They have defined everything. Even the curb the thing needs to be able to pass and all the fees, e.g. driving two scooters next to each other: 15€. Oh and let’s not forget the official street sign for an area where you are allowed to drive escooter…

Unfortunately no news for esk8s. Only a tweet by the BMVI: “Die Ausnahmeverordnung für Geräte ohne Lenk-/Haltestange wird gleichzeitig auf den Weg gebracht. So werden #Hoverboards etc. im 1. Halbjahr 2019 gefahren werden können. Die Ausnahmeverordnung ist nicht zustimmungspflichtig im #Bundesrat, dadurch ist das Verfahren recht schnell.”

So spring is now first half of the year…

Feel free to write your comment on that tweet :wink:

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Germany fucks it up as always. So the e-scooter lobby with their own rental scooters will be more or less the only ones who win here. More or less the same as they did for segways. Even if they allow boards for a while there will not be many brands who will have the money to go through the process to get all official papers (abe). And DIY is as illegal as it was before.


Yeah, they Fucked up big time. But it seems all calculated. Put the MAX allowed Speed to 20KM/h so all the cheap and some of them really good Scooters are OUT! . Further you are a impediment on the Bike-Lane. So it’s dangerous. Even a not motorized Bike gets easily over 25KMH. Then if no Bike Lane available you are forced to Ride on the Street with all the Cars. With 20KMH… SO dangerous big time. Then you need a generall allowance for your Scooter Model, and you need two independent brake Systems and you need an insurance and a plate. WTF is wrong with these people!!!

All driven by the lobby work. No one of them responsible did think one second about this mess.

Why can I ride with a pedelec without general allowance, without insurance more than 25KMH?

This is kind of a pathetic joke.

Germany “Technikland” … You had a chance and messed it all up again…

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You cannot trust anything from Evolve on facebook because it’s HEAVILY censored.

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i think you misunderstood the brake part or i did. each motor is seen seperate as a brake.

… Sorry, but what the actual fuck. I just lost all hope.

At least the traffic sign Industry is making good money. Millions of additional signs to be put up and these also need service. Each sign costs 150 Euro minimum. That is where the real business is.

The e-boards might be forbidden soon, if accidents happen. Going through the process of acquiring an ABE is time consuming and expensive and the day your product has an ABE, might be the day that regulations are revoked and everything is back to zero. Typical for Europe is that each country will have different regulations in place, and your product needs to be country specific and needs 30 different ABEs.

I’m already thinking of where to attach the bell with a high pitch sound to the remote. You can be sure that most if the regulations found in the scooter paper will be applied to e-board. Luckily our Trampaboards can roll over a 3cm curb in all angles…



They didn’t made an expertise, so I don’t have to pay a lot. The girl from the police told me it just around 50 euros… but we ll see


Andreas Scheuer answering questions in the Bundestag:

From minute 22 onwards two Ministers are asking about elektrische Kleinstfahrzeuge. Unfortunately no news, only the info that they want to approach this topic super conservative, to avoid ‘mistakes’ other countries made by allowing all that stuff.

But at least the are heavily thinking about flying taxis… :roll_eyes:


Maybe this will keep the discussion going:

it came out exactly like i said: they made a law just for the german car industry, because their is almost no chance to get scooters with only 20kmh except from bmw which will be super duper expensive(Dear BMW-stick it up your bum to feel your greed) Every company which is still renting scooters can now kill themselves for investing in a dead rabbit. That is german government: spreading laws not for public profit and change, they are just doing laws for Mamon and the Nazi leftovers from bmw. Ich könnte kotzen!.. Edit: end of the story is we have to get insurance for a toy going 20kmh and we probably have to pay taxes therefor as well. We are just allowed to ride these toys on bike lanes and the streets which is really suicide imo. No chance here to change something with a government just creating laws for rich companies in order to get them more profit. If you speak your mind you are degraded as a Nazi, but the real helpers of the Nazis are still in the position to get pressure on the government to feed them fat asses for all time while concealing they got rich because of forced labor in the 3rd reich. editedit: sorry for being so political but this really pissing me off and had to be said. BMW hail!

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And the real strange part is: They are celebrating themselvs for “legalizing” e-scooters… With this law taking place in weeks or months none of the cheap and really good Scooters (like the M365) are legal, even with the new law. And they even didn’t include all other potential “new” (as in new for germany) e-ridables. This is pathetic… Yeah, everyone should buy the big clunky scooters from BMW or Metz for 2000€ … You can not even put these in a normal sized trunk of a normal sized car/limousine.

Why so complicated? Why not looking for solutions which are long time established in the neighbour countries? France?? German answer: “Oh no, they are all dead by now because of scooters/e-ridables.” Austria?? German answer: “Oh, no, they are all insane anyway. They treat scooters equal as E-Bikes.!.. NONONONONO! Scooters don’t have a seat, are you insane???”

With this law in place you will be a dangerous, slow pacing, peace of potential roadkill which is always a hindrance for either the bikes on the bike lane or cars on the road/street.

And than the argument that 25 km/h would be too fast increasing the risk for an accident… And in the same time argumenting that a common speed limit of 130km/h on “Autobahn” is insane and not recommended…


It’s really frustrating.


The only companies benefitting are Scooter sharing companies, dropping tons of crap on wheels devices onto the sidewalks. Average survival rate of sharing scooters: 29-60 days. They don’t make money with renting out scooters, they make money with a spying App that you have to intall to rent out the scooters. The real cash is in user data, position data, your address book etc. This data is sold to third parties. It’s all about data.

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All you need will be a software update to limit the speed to 20km/h and your M365 should be good to go. We will have to see how the Police will judge the rating - ebikes for example can in theory go faster than 25km/h as they are not hardware bound to this speed - it’s all a virtual limitiation in the software. Or did I miss some section in the law that talks about necessary hardware restrictions?

You also sound like somebody who never had an accident with an esk8 - I had one and let me tell you: there is a night and day difference between bikes and esk8s or scooters. You have much (much) more control on a bike during an emergency situation!

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German WhatsApp eskate group if someone is interested…

Does anyone know what the consequences are for riding an electric skateboards with these new laws (max speed, insurance). I wonder if the police will treat it differently now. Since it is more clear that riding a skateboard is riding without an insurance etc.

What could be the consequences? Fines and other punishments.

I want to know if it’s “worth the risk” :smiley:

@HansWurst90 esk8 is still illegal in germany and it is risky. the consequence is diffrent the range is 100€ to 5000€ depends on the judge.

You can also lose your driver’s license and get an entry on your criminal record.

No I don’t believe that. They told me its bound to the income. But everyone tells u something different. If its your fist time they normally drop everzying and u just have to pay 100 or something.

For those interested to bring this topic forward: There is a 15km drive/demonstration in Berlin in September. You can find more information here: