Fusion360 help?

I got one of his files done but didn’t have time for the other two, I had to go to bed, it was like 1 am :joy:

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I have inventor which is from autodesk, so maybe this trick works also in fusion360 : Sometimes the extrude function doesnt work because the 2d sketch is still an “open loop”. To fix this there is a “close loop” function (righ click on the 2d sketch) that fills your 2d sketch with the missing points between lines and curves. This usually solves all of my extrusion problems.

I can do it for free, just because its fun. I’ve helped out other people.

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fuuuuuuuuckckkckck!!! up all fucking night waiting for some guy to do it and he didn’t do it right!. it’s more than a simple extrude job. anyone!!! anyone fucking want these wheels and can do this right???

Bro I’m sorry but I had to go to school, I woke up at 5am to see if I could finish it for you. I have the nut file almost finished if you still want it but I basically had to recreate the entire sketch from the pdf dimensions, that’s why it took so long. Once again I’m sorry I couldn’t help

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the nut I don’t need I need the other three. the flange is an easy extrusion pretty much the other two parts. fuuuuuuuucccckckckckckckckkkk!!!

You only sent me three files, the nut, the bell, and the flange

and getin it done! but really im just on the sidelines now. big thanks to you guys. made my night. emotional rollercoaster from yesterday up till 330 failing. all of you hit me up in 2 weeks for wheels or a month for when this design will be here in bulk and I’ll hook you up. akhlut especially is a wiz at this stuff it turns out

Happy to help! :smile:

Offerrd my help too, you just didnt send me files:p

yea I was doing it all in fusion and having people go there. I got help. and then more. and more. and now all the screw-ups are found. spun it all together.


nice to hear, can’t wait to see your new hubs

so many people helped me over the last couple of days. I really could’ve screwed it up. Minim also is a wiz on the fusion…maybe you guys all are and that’s what the kids are doing these days for fun. I think they will send two before another Chinese holiday on the first of October. very happy with this design…as I keep saying. then will have 100!

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Ye right, i quit school just to learn these things by myself :smiley: more fun

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how can i repeat this shape, extend it off from the new plane on the right? i dont want to draw it all just repeat the shape. sure its easy if you know how

Cut it in pieces and copy past.

did it. i did it as a pattern on a path. but more so this was a rough draft and the half spheres are not lined up exactly with the rest of the groove. if you have a good way.Capture

I’m not 100% sure I understand the issue…but you have the timeline under the drawing and can edit each scetch/drawing at any time. This looks to be some sort of a battery box… Fillet would be a better option than a sphere

aha. yes thanks. that’s the easy way. !!

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is easy


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