Focboxes @ Enertion cyber monday sale

This is exactly what i mean. I’ve ordered plenty of stuff on pre-order and have no issue with waiting. But if i’m expecting something within the week and it takes 2 months then i’ll never bring my business back there.

Yeah, I think so. Tbh I had forgotten about the money clip until I read the email lol and no I didn’t get it.


Nobody is going to be looking for a money clip when there are focboxes in the package somewhere

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from the update on facebook today…

“We were prepared for Cyber monday, expected less than 500 orders for focbox but had stock of 800 and received around 800 orders. Items are sat on pallets in china but have been unable to ship for legal reasons”

I didn’t hear him say anything about when they were going to ship though, wonder what the legal reasons are?

Different day, different story, same shit


Don’t quote me on this but I think he said that all of the focboxes and nanox orders should be shipped this or next week. I believe he said it earlier in his stream.

Yea the support chat says so too. So if it doesn’t shipped out by Sunday then I guess I will request a refund

agreed 100%. I get that these are small businesses selling to a niche market, but if you’re going to try to give the appearance of operating like a large business then act like it. LHB is one of the smallest vendors on here and the shit i bought from him was at my house within a week. Other vendors take months and months to ship your stuff. I don’t mind stuff taking a while, it comes with the territory of shipping less than a hundred units per month, but be honest and transparent instead of lying to your customers.

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The funny thing is that all these unhappy customers could have been avoided if he ended the sale after one day like intended. Instead he let it go longer even though there was no more merch in stock. Yeah everyone got a deal but no one knew they were buying “pre-orders”.

Greed 101.

no. He opened up with a group buy several years ago. That’s one of those things where you buy now, get later, and hopefully the manufacturer doesn’t fuck you over after telling you they can deliver.

Probably not, you know, because they tell you they can deliver. Then they don’t.

its like you just keep asking the same question expecting a different answer. that’s the very definition of madness.

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I think the gist of this thread is. I love enertion stuff but why don’t I have mine?

The answer is, Enertion is still growing and some of the pains of growing and being transparent is that when people lie to Enertion they pass the lie onto us. Then the public thinks Enertion is lying when in fact they just are learning who they can trust and who they can’t.

We are along for the ride and I am grateful for the transparency. It makes me feel safe having “invested” 3k in parts and a board. Do I wish Enertion would let us know sooner about shipping delays, YES. But we all have lessons to learn and this one is small in the grand scheme of things.


It’s rhetorical, I know the answer hasnt changed Lol you’re drowning in the kool-aid, did onloop let you buy the next 100 focbox at sale price or something? If so, I’ll take some kool-aid :yum:


you also blame Shell for causing an oil catastrophy while in theory “it was just the guy they hired”! as soon as you hire someone, they become your physical extension, thus becoming you. thats business one o’ one.

that beeing said, shit happens. nevertheless, if they communicated it earlier, people would have had the channce to cancel their orders and buy em somewhere else instead. and that is something yxou can blame them for.

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Instead of requesting a refund, how about selling your order to me? See if they can do that


@scepterr and @longhairedboy you both have great points. Let’s just remember to never punish a company for trying to be transparent when they could just as well tell us nothing. Personally, I’m happy that at least I am hearing news, unlike other unnamed situations with other unnamed companies. I mean, I need these in my house TODAY, don’t get me wrong. But make sure not to knock them for being honest. Knocking them for making unkeepable promises is one thing, but at least don’t make it counterproductive for them to keep giving us status updates. If each status update leads to more skewering of their name, the status updates might slow down or stop


i do whatever the fuck i want. If that means defending a vendor i rely on so that he doesn’t get bankrupted by impatient entitled refund mongers then pour me a glass. It wouldn’t be the first time i’ve been accused of being an Enertion fan-boy. Probably won’t be the last, in spite of having moved almost entirely out of his supply chain, save the motor controllers.

there’s a bigger picture here, and instead of painting it we’re exploring the flaws of capitalist democracy and considering a torch and pitchfork approach. Lets just tie him up in a bag and throw him in the river. If he floats, we’ll know he’s a witch and we’ll burn him alive accordingly. But if he drowns, well, it would have been nice of him to deliver first, oh well.

now get me a beer.


Can you point to anybody wanting a refund here? I missed that, before the 1 guy today who might ask for refund

Everyone here is thinking about it. Even me. The whole situation has me nervous. I need to drink but i’m stuck in a cubicle.