Focbox unity order delay?

Yes I was being sarcastic :sweat_smile:

Anyone want to go in on the bundle sale? Let me know if this is already going on in another thread.

It’s kind of between batch

@RyuX Do you have any order placed already? Let me know the order ID please

@CarlCollins See below picture.

I really worry since people that ordered in December didn’t even have theirs yet and I ordered way after december and my whole build is postponed already - not to mention that shipping and customs clearance will also take quite a while.

First shipping date that was promised to me was Late April - Early May.


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why should I? we have obviously an issue with the unity and the last firmware fix confirmed it. do I sell a product here or am I one of the guys that is afraid of using the unity?

btw. who are you? what is your relationship with Enertion? strange that you feel the urge to defend a company who is not even denying the issue itself. just from today after another member hurt himself with a unity:

Its not about accusations - should be about finding solutions and riding safe with a unity onboard. Jeff is working hard on it and my issues were already solved with the latest update!


Man I don’t even know where to begin.

Why should you be able to have confidence in what you say? That’s an easy one. It’s a serious question. You don’t know that the unity faulted every one of those crashes. I can go into the unity thread and say my board threw me off because of the unity and it could easily just be a wire popped out of place. I’m here for the same reason, to get this issue solved.

I’m Justin. I ride electric skateboards and like to do it safely. My relationship with enertion is being a member of this forum and owning two unities. Dull your pitchfork and educate yourself. Your 7 days of read time is cute.

I don’t feel the need to defend anyone. I want to make sure the shit stream of “unities throwing people off their boards” gets sorted out intelligently and factually… Not with claims from outside sources. You seem to know for a fact that everyone who has crashed did so directly from a unity fault. I’m not saying the unity hasn’t faulted multiple times. I’m saying you’re helping nobody by saying unitys are hurting people

Couldn’t agree more. Issues are being investigated and worked on. That is up to enertion to put out a public safety message to users.


Which means admitting a fault in Unity. With recent… fires… let’s just say I don’t see it coming any time soon.

All I see coming are more bans of members because they know, that we know. :wink:

So I ordered 2 unitys over the weekend, what is a realistic timeframe that im looking at? 1 month? 3months? 6months?

July /August i guess

First batch has not been fully delivered yet to some people. You are looking at june/july or next year if they announce two more products(as they have mentioned in the unity thread some time ago). Either way, good luck.

If I were a betting man, I’d say 3-6 months hopefully

What do you mean “faults in unity” ?

Oh, the “yet-to-be-implemented” safety features? That anti knee breaking update should have your name in the code :rofl:

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Have you been reading the last update from deodand, you doofus? It’s been admitted.

Oh shit, I’ll light the pyre. How is the knee doing btw?

Healing up, got quite lucky because of THICC legs. :laughing:


The 1st and 2nd batch people (to include myself) are outliers for the most part. I stupidly combined my order with another product and that is where it went down hill, haha. But to answer your question you can still expect to wait roughly 3 months

Im glad i followed my gut instinct and canceleld my order

Just wait till one pops up here. People’s plans change all the time and some come up time to time.

At some point Enertion will catch up and stock these on the shelf and all this will be a moot point…eventually haha
