Should be easy enough to get up and runnig, you’d need turn signals incoming from somewhere. I just use my arms :smile:. I kind of hate the way a portion of that led code was just dropped into the main.c file in the repository at the moment. If I was to ever use it I think I’d refactor it to make it cleaner.

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Ofcourse a BMS :blush:, with the 6820 and the 6804 the uniti can be the spi master (and it has to be actually).

And what if I told you the 6804 can also act as a I2C or SPI master (whilst being a IsoSPI slave) for maybe a USB PD battery charger IC :slight_smile: and has its own voltage regulator and adc inputs! I am currently doing a project with this combination and will share it if it works.

We should minimise the amount of mcu’s in a esk8, and only have a single piece of firmware to do it all!


Yeah :slight_smile: This all cool if unity will be OS :smiley: Otherwise it will be behemoth tears

Yeah, one of the many reasons to buy open source hardware for your board. More people/competition to make compatible stuff.

Did you changed a lot of vesc protocol? Or just change structure of getValues for dual motor?

Get values, motor config and app config all have some additional values. Otherwise interface works the same. Its pretty easy to use new app/motor config once you have the .xmls to guide you.

I think I’ll add a get_legacy_values packet at the current get values ID then a get_unity_values as a new packet ID to increase compatibility with simple monitoring apps.

shoutout to the metr guys for that suggestion.


Any chance the unused button on the nano-X could be put to use easily enough for this purpose? Say one click for left signal, double click for right and long hold to release the turn signals?


Honestly, we don’t know the exact answer to this question, mostly because people can cancel/modify order qty, also it depends on Raptor 2.1 production volumes, these variables make it hard to have the exact numbers on a daily basis.

We are very close to sold out, it’s borderline atm.

If you want Focbox Unity, The best bet is to submit your order asap, this ensures you get the fastest delivery.


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Is orange the production color or just for beta’s?

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Production, beta is black


my first thought on the Orange was ‘urrrgh’ but on reflection I reckon it’s not so bad, plus it makes the unit easily spottable on builds since there’s nothing else like it out there. Could be quite a savvy move…


I’m currently testing $15 TTGO board with built-in OLED display, to use in both remote and receiver.

That’s is the best way to keep the apps working without requiring an update.


If you hold your phone…just right…and squint, its like you’re holding your own Unity in your hand.

Then you open your eyes and get disappointed :pensive:

Really? come on… I think you will be surprised… In a good way…

When I say disappointed, I mean that I open my eyes and see that I am not holding a Unity yet and that I still have to wait. Haha

The culture barrier is real.


Maybe he’s got an android? :man_shrugging:t2:

I really love have small Unity is! Here is a comparison between Unity and Flipsky 6.6 dual IMG_20181114_163108


i like more in black