Flipsky New Remote VX2 PRO

It could be electrical interference even if it’s not touching.

It’s better to use some plastic enclosure. The metal material will influence and has signal interference, which will be easy to cause the remote response delay for accelarating or braking. It’s dangerous

The screenshot is not clear enough. Sorry. Also, not sure if your way of doing parameters setup is correct or not. Please from the “Welcome&Wizards”, do the motor foc setup from this instead of motor settings directly. You can also review via our blogs.

as you may recall, planned receiver had a real antenna wire which was supposed to extend outside the box. not fond of pcb antennas for just that reason but no worries. I live in Florida. The dew on the grass is enough to soak my board on morning rides. Guess i will have to change enclosure out soon.

I believe i mentioned i cannot run the wizards because of the error i get about the firmware mismatch witch is not right .vesc firmware for both is 3.62, HW:60 53 00 37 00 06 50 4B 4D 52 32 30 20. working on video solution stand by for that :slight_smile:

Have you tried via the bluetooth module? Can it be successful?

Yes,thank you. I was lucky enough to get one VX2 PRO during the black Friday flash sale at your store, and I am looking forward to receive it. Actually, I had one VX2 remote with black and white screen not long ago, but considering the new function, I decided to purchase a new one. Hoping it will bring better riding experience to me!

Bluetooth? i will have to look into that as i am not familiar. I also think i have a solution for antenna. since transceiver is on separate card, going to relocate it outside the metal box in a small plastic box on top. That should resolve interference issue. Thanks again for the help! Still working on video maybe this weekend if i am lucky. Like i said, got it configured and even managed to adjust throttle and brake curves with the help here so this is more of a pest than a problem as the 1st vesc i configured never had a problem like this and the wizards worked great.

remote leash wtf moment…:):grinning: Was riding with my buddy and had remote leash Velcroed to my wrist guard so it cant fall off and hit the ground if i let it go or so i thought. We stopped to take a break and i let the remote dangle from strap.Next thing i know the remote is in 2 pieces on the ground and the leash is still attached to me. Apparently the case just snaps together which is fine but terrible design on leash connector can cause case to pop open when hanging from strap. Low tech fix is rubber band on handle to keep it from spreading apart. Again remote was dangling from leash under own weight and just popped open then hit the ground. bummer that my new remote is getting scuffed up already and not even from a combat roll…ugh should have been a hook shaped connector and not just a tab to hold leash inside so pressure on leash cant pop open case…radio

can i get some more details on the bluetooth option you mentioned? would like to look into it.

@flipskytech01 or anyone: My VX2 Pro is showing the current draw (amps in the lower right corner), but nothing else on the display. It is controlling the motor. It is connected to a Focbox configured with Ackmaniac’s ESC Tool. Any idea what the problem might be? I am unsure I have the settings correct since I usually use PPM remotes and have not set up a UART remote before.

when you say showing amps and nothing else, sorry for the silly question but is remote set up ie # of pole pairs, battery, wheel size? this is all done on remote so may not show speed etc unless configured. just my guess… btw looks like they added a screw to the case now so they dont fall apart any more/ Great to see feedback put into application! Thanks @flipskytech01 for listening to the users. Hopefully you will find a way to support 10 inch tires in the firmware too…

P.S. would be awesome if remote had sun screen so can be seen in daylight.

@Haze-Gray Thanks for responding! Yes, I believe the remote itself is properly configured via its on-board programming. Last night I rode the board and it seems to control it fine, but now I am seeing random speed readings appear and stay on the remote after I stop. My current guess is that the remote is defective. By the way, this VX2 Pro is currently on a single Focbox; I couldn’t get it to work on my Unity.

Am I correct that there is no need to register the limits on a UART remote like you do with a PPM remote by recording full throttle and full brake in the VESC tool?

@flipskytech01: Have you seen these problems before?

i am certainly no expert but as far as i know, no. Mine is all 6.6 dual minis they are set for uart and i never messed with the throttle range. I could see it move when connected to right vest and port but no mapping that i did any way…

Hello everyone

i had the same probleme, beetween Vesc 6.6 mini and remote Vx2

after test all your advices, nothing works…

i found the answer on the web site…:confused:

don’t instal the new firmware…

==> see web site


Warm tips:

It is recommended to keep firmware 5.2 from factory ship, the new firmware upgrade may damage the ESC.


I hope it will help some of you

good luck

Thanks for the info ! How do u like it?