Firefly Nano remote

Awesome job bro, cant wait till u finalize it with the cheap Heltec v2. Meanwhile could u please send me the RemoteDisplay.cpp for the bigger display for the original firefly remote?

Got my Heltec v2’s. Tried to let them connect but the output of the receiver is as follows:


Going on and on… Any help?

@hanyelkomy The Heltec support is ready, I just need to update docs. The schematics is almost the same, just use these pins:

#define LED           25  
#define PIN_BUTTON    12
#define PIN_TRIGGER   32
#define ADC_THROTTLE  38 
#define PIN_VIBRO     17

I think you can easily adapt drawMainPage() function:

@Jamie42 I had the similar issues, please check that serial monitor baudrate set to 115200 and click the reset button on the board a few times.

@DroidSector Baudrate was already set right. Tried the reset button. Maximum that I can get out of it is this:

Receiver�␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␁␄@�␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2

entry 0x40080310
Receiver�␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␁␄@�␃␂␁␄@�␃␂␁␄@�␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␁␄@�␃␂␁␄@�␃Receiver�␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␁␄@�␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀␀␀␀␀h?␃␂␋#␑␑␀␀␀␀�ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x40080310

@DroidSector Will this TTGO board fit in the Heltec version of the remote? Also, I am unable to see a version number, but it uses the LoRa SX1276 chip like the heltec, do you think it will work?

@Jamie42 Is it connected to vesc?

@sanderfu It doesn’t have a battery probe, can you get this one instead?

What do you mean by battery probe? I spoke with the seller of the one you have in you spreadsheet, and he says it will be back in a couple of days :slight_smile:

That’s good! It allows measuring the voltage of the battery connected to the remote.

I see, so itslike an ADC input-pin the board I linked is missing then if I understood correctly. A bit wierd, cause on the pinout it looks like it has several pins for measuring analog signal.

Was looking for one without a screen with white colour, could I use tge TTGO board with no screen that you have linked before and just connect a 0.96 inch lcd to it? Would that fit in the remote?

Is there anyway to get this working with the Heltec 433-470mhz version

You’ll need to connect battery and ADC pins, which will be tricky. The screen as well:

You can build the Firefly version or buy a remote from @StefanMe.


Yes, just make sure it’s version 2. There is an AliExpress link in the parts list (Europe tab).

Thanks for the reply mate, I am going with heltec board in your part list when it becomes available again I think 'cause I really like the design and feel of your remote.

1 Like

hi @all I have tried to setup both heltec v2 but I donΒ΄t get them connected. Also the values on the remote are turning like the voltage from low to high (3.9V to 4.3) and for example some values in the line above like 0 … 1023 …127 - I think the values for the hall sensor? What can I do now? I am a little confused. But in the end, a really nice a very powerfull code :slight_smile: respect. bye Fabian

@DroidSector Thanks for making this. Been wanting to buy a 3D printer for a while and this project pushed me over the edge (getting a CR10S PRO). Are you able to update the docs for the new micro-controller(Heltec v2)? e.g.:

I want to build this remote with the Heltec V2 board.

General question for anyone who uses this remote. What is the state of this remote in terms of reliability? Is it good enough to use on a daily basis?

It’s reliable enough, but not all safety features are implemented yet. For example, if the battery on the remote dies, the board will continue going.

The schematics is almost the same, just use these pins:

#define LED           25  
#define PIN_BUTTON    12
#define PIN_TRIGGER   32
#define ADC_THROTTLE  38 
#define PIN_VIBRO     17

I’m currently busy with another project (TeraCopy for Mac) but will continue working on the remote very soon.

So I’m in the process of building the feather version of this remote and in the wiring diagram it says that the uart of my VESC needs to connect to the 3.3V, rx, tx and ground. I’ll be using the Focbox for my board and was wondering if anyone could tell me how to hook it up to that VESC? I see it has an rx and tx connection but I will be using those for a metre pro so I’m a little confused about where to make the connection.

With Unity it would be more complicated since both receiver and Metre are using the same tx/rx connection. I’ll try to connect Unity with the receiver using PPM cable tomorrow.

A few updates for the remote:

  • More efficient sleep mode.
  • Better remote battery display, show text values when < 10%.
  • No vibration on remote startup, to avoid boot loop on low battery.
  • Safer min voltage 3.1 > 3.3v.