EU Law - (The Netherlands) for Electric Vehicle / Longboard


It is a new law. There has been a lot in the news

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That’s great news! Thank you for the update!

That’s so ill informed & poorly researched it’s laughable, edited like a poor man’s Casey video & I’d call it that too, except for the fact that it would be an insult to all the B-Casey’s worldwide.

The law is very clear on Ireland, motorised vehicles must be taxed and insured with some exceptions- pedal assisted ebikes with no throttle and max power output, Segway under special provisions.

So what is actually happening is this geezer is targeting people in their official capacity to outline the law, the fact remains that if you want to register any non-mass produced vehicle for the road in Ireland then you must go through the single vehicle registration process, it’s very onerous and expensive.

If the vehicle is signed off as being road worthy then it will be entered in the revenue system at which point a low level official as quoted by said geezer can take some €€€ and issue a registration certificate. This also allows for a motor tax certificate to be purchased and displayed on the vehicle.

There is a question of having a competency licence, but no need to worry it’s not classified under anything so perfectly legal to ride without any licence…but and this is the huge but

It doesn’t stop there, at this point you need insurance and there is no insurance company who are willing to cover these they will laugh at you.

What the police(guards in Ireland) are doing is turning a blind eye when they approve or how the rider is using the esk8 and probably stopping those who they disapprove of, in regards to speed, safety, consideration to others and choice of location.

Eventually the scrotes will ruin this blind eye approach when too many of them clog up the head injuries ward without medical insurance or take out innocent bystanders

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Hi Banjaxxed! Thanks for appointing! What would be the conclusion of your statement? Is it legal, or not, to ride an esk8 at Ireland? Would love to add the source! Thanks in advance.

It’s not legal

Okay! Can you add a source for that?

I’d rather you do the ground work if you dont have enough above

Up till today it is still illegal in NL. Source from gov website i checked yesterday (forgot the link).

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It appears to be illegal, like you’ve said. Thank you for the contribution. I’ll change my post. My appologies for the negligence.

Yep, as an Amsterdam citizen i hate the fact that i have to travel to Belgium (out of all places) to ride my eSk8!

Little bit of topic but I was in Amsterdam last week and saw two guys carrying the new Boosted Board stealths on their backpacks while riding the older BB V2:s :thinking:

They’re being used, but the risk of a + €900,- fine is not worth ‘the fun’ of riding from home - university.

That minister Bellot is a real prince. He’s got my vote ! :slight_smile:

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As a Belgian who moved to Germany I’m also quite annoyed about this same fact. (That and Google Pay, like wtf Germany)

hello everyone im (dutch) live in amersfoort i just orderd my jedboard and hope it comes for summer but who know maybe some furter delays with production but thats not wy im here but wanted to mencion it becouse jed board has a lot of safety thingys like traction control 4 breaks if you orders the awd and they have a good artical about safety online in there blog

its still not legal in the neterlands to drive and i want to see it changed asap were willing to get ensurance if we can and were willing to follow some rules

but we all know our dutch goverment that sucks donkey balls issen’t gonna change by itself and normaly if we would see a law change you need a pritty big refferendum at least thats i think what i know

so …

im not waiting for that to happen so lets group up with everybody with a electric mobility device ,and all the normal skaters just in general anyone who wants to join us and while at it lets invite our nabours too germany belgium or fuck it word wide demonstation day in every county that thinks electic mobility device’s help for a better tomorrow for the climet and our city’s we live in

even while there not that many riders yet it shoud’ent mean that our goverments shoot not lissen to us it took around 100 years to get cars around it dont want to wait that long for my board

im just a guy that love skating and im done stepping my board while there is great tech out there that can help save our city’s and as a skater my way of live is indangerd by our govermets they limit our freedom to skate lets change it here now everywhere

lets organice get to the forums youtube tv radio lets get the word out lets peacefull demontrate let our voice’s be heart

ps im sorry for my bad inglish and im not senserly pist that something like this can not in nl while in other counties its perfecly fine and while at it lets help everyone

and btw if the police stop my im gonna fight till the bone in court and higher courts untill we can

thnks for reading everyone hope ive been not to mutch of a pain in the ass but thats how i think about it

thnks greeting joost

bring you red flag lets start the a revolution it all starts here and now

possible idee the day before skateboarding day 20 juni or maybe to soon to get organiced big let me know what you guys think

ik stel voor 20 juni voor de 2dekamer in denhaag

i suggest here in NL 20 June at the goverment office 2dekamer Denhaag

help me set this up around the world for freedom and a better feature i will inform our govement tomorrow

20 june go electic day 21 june go skate day

for who doesnt know a quik history thnks to wiki

Go Skateboarding Day (GSD) is an official annual holiday conceived by the International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC) to promote skateboarding. The holiday was started in California by Don Brown and is held on June 21 due to the fact that the day is the longest day of summer. The holiday was conceived in 2004 by the International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC) to help make skateboarding more accessible to the world through various events held in major cities around the world. In 2006, more than 350 events took place in 32 countries around the world, and, the following year, the IASC received Special Congressional Recognition from US Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez for its work in promoting the sport of skateboarding and encouraging young people to get outside and enjoy the sport.[1]

im ganna call as mutch electic mobility company’s skate company’s nos journal, contacting to skate communities as mutch as i can starting tomorrow but i cant do this alone im calling on everyone around the planet to help set this up aswell

i wanna see Amsterdam The Hague Berin Brussel Paris London Athens Budapest Copenhagen Madrid Roma Luxembourg and ofcourse australia and the VS and every county thats not here yet

thnks again and feel free to contact me here or by mail or telephone [email protected] and +31624988899

demonstatie aangemeld

Demonstratie melden

Gemeente Den Haag

Kenmerk: 180522-1935-e38f

Geachte heer heblij,

Hartelijk dank voor uw melding. De melding van uw demonstratie is ontvangen.

De politie kan contact opnemen voor meer informatie over uw melding. De burgemeester mag op grond van de Wet openbare manifestaties beperkingen aan uw demonstratie opleggen. U krijgt hier in dat geval bericht van. Het kan ook zijn dat de burgemeester uw demonstratie vooraf verbiedt. Ook in dit geval krijgt u hier bericht van.

Als organisatie van de demonstratie zorgt u:

voor een veilig en ordelijk verloop van de demonstratie
voor een herkenbare ordedienst van 10% van het aantal deelnemers
voor een contactpersoon voor de Politie, Eenheid Den Haag
dat gebouwen, wegen en/of kruisingen of splitsingen vrij blijven
dat er geen onveilige situaties ontstaan door gebruik van bijvoorbeeld vuur of voorwerpen die als wapen kunnen worden ingezet
dat de demonstranten geen kleding dragen die het gezicht bedekt om ongezien strafbare feiten te kunnen plegen
dat demonstranten geen alcohol bij zich dragen en/of gebruiken.

Houden de organisatie en de demonstranten zich niet aan deze uitgangspunten? Dan kan de burgemeester aanwijzingen geven aan de demonstranten. Ook kan de burgemeester de demonstratie meteen stoppen en de demonstranten verplichten uit elkaar te gaan.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Gemeente Den Haag

zo dat is stap 1 nu alles gaan organiseren word een leuke dagbesteding:P

Gegevens demonstratie Doel: demonstreren om de wet tegen elektrische skaten en electric mobility divice’s te veranderen en toe te staan Begindatum : 20-6-2018 Aanvangstijd 10:00 Einddatum 20-6-2018 Eindtijd 18:00