eSk8Tube Video thread

Love how you passed the scooter riders. You should have told that girl you would make one for her. Been to Singapore ages ago as well its great except too humid for me. You might need to start up a skate group on facebook or your friends.

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These petrol powered things were the reason why electric skateboards were banned in LA wasnt it.

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just 6 posts above yours i explained exactly that :wink:

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Oh. Yes you did. I didnt scan up far enough. I skated past the highway patrol the othere day as they were parked half way across the bike path trying to radar drivers. They didnt blink an eye. Its illegal here in Vic Aus. Although if I ended up passing them on road they may have said something.

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Awesome trail LHB!!!


There are some really beautiful ones around here.

I need some drone footage to really show it off though. Iā€™ve been thinking about trying to find somewhere to rent one for a couple of days, or at least find somebody who has one to hook me up with some follow video.

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did so . and solve all inter mittent problems by soldering . few weeks after ā€¦ then i found out about nunchuck safety advice over esk8 . my bad . wasnt into reading , more into EXCITEMENT .

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we have .

just that most of us are too busy flying to L.A . California , Australia , Japan , probably 3 are foreigners working in Singapore , and local students busy with exams e.t.c .

from that point Marina Bay Sands , one can skate til the end of the island in the east , where our International Airport is located about 25km estimated distance .

in the video it looks fast , but actually its not . i was just testing on my 1st day of eboard completion .

theres many plain clothes officer with speed check meter gun and a high definition 1080p camera hiding . ever so ready to catch speed demon . even normal cyclist and in line skaters got a $500 ticket for exceeding the 25km/h limit . they always work in team of 4 to 7 officers . 1 officer at 1st point with speed gun , 2nd and third will be 100m away with camera . the rest will just need confirmation from the first 3 officer , and they stopped offender and issue ticket . easy MONEY !

same advice and scenario depicted in this video from Enertions

some area says 25km/h , while some only 15km/h . so be carefull when in singapore parks . just dont speed .


where i live we have so much actual crime that nobody is watching the bike trails. theyā€™re 15mph too but every single spandex coated cyclist out there is doing at least 30mph and theyā€™re doing it in packs of 5 or more. We have some serious cyclists in my area. You actually NEED an electric skateboard to keep up with them.

I often mention passing and buzzing the cyclists but truth be told, a lot of them canā€™t be buzzed or passed without achieving speeds requiring full armor. Theyā€™re too busy pumping for 100 miles straight while maintaining relatively high speeds on their $10,000 bikes to be bothered. I do try to keep up with them though, its fun and often starts good conversations while iā€™m just standing there sipping a coke at 25mph.

I also donā€™t ride in downtown areas, parks, or other places where people are just derping around. To me thatā€™s just asking for trouble. In the past iā€™ve done so and have been harassed by pedestrians.


Yeah I understand what you mean about the excitementā€¦ I was the same first ride!

it doesnā€™t help that the wiiceivers come with sockets built in. maybe the next revision should have header pins insteadā€¦

good to hear that you have soldered it on now though.

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When it hits 57 degrees in February in MICHIGAN, you must take full advantage. :slight_smile:


good to have the road all to yourself . :smile:


those 2 cyclist like " NO KICKING ?"

i am so addicted to that ā€œWhirrrrrrringā€ sound those motors makes . why didnt you go 80% throttle ? sounded like it was picking up speed , makes me anticipate that high pitch we so dearly waited for . also steady hands :ok_hand:

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Why go 80% when you can go 100%? Why have limits? With TBā€™s 12s Escā€™s and mini RC Remote, control is very good at 100%. I can easily cruise at 5-10 mph or 10-20mph. And quickly wind it up to 25-30 mph 30 is the fastest Iā€™ve gone so far. I still havenā€™t maxed it out. Everyone is saying that Vesc is tops. But I liked the robust design of the TBā€™s with there huge heat sinks. And quick easy programming. I have worked them very hard and they just keep on going with no problems or issues. They are very responsive with no lag at all.


Thought Iā€™d let you guys know, I started filming a video for my first build, should be done within a few weeks when I get all of my parts in! Canā€™t wait for everyone to see it!


Those ledā€™s look awesome at night! Really cool video. I really need to get a go pro and a stickā€¦


Nice vids, man! Love the groove. :cupid:


So, after watching your videos I can see that ivā€™e got a lot to learn. So tell me, What go pro do you use? I was thinking bout getting the new hero 4 sessions. And, what software do you use to produce the movie?

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This being a video thread, just a quick reminder: