ESCape professional pcb assembly

Nice one for the heads up Lukas, i was going to ask if you had sent the enclosures. Well i will now send the final payment and sit back and wait.

@Silverline i dont know if this helps but, the google form is still open so im assuming this means some of the 120 units are still up for grabs…possibly.


Posted this earlier. Hoping someone can help me out. Nearly finished my build… I’ve got the PPM to Tx sorted, but I’m really keen to know if all the other cables are in their correct position and also keen to know how other people are connecting their battery to the dual ESCapes.

Just a quick update guys. All ESCapes have been tested and programmed. The housings should arrive today, so I will start shipping them very soon.

I will start answering your messages today, sorry for taking so long.


So we should send the second part of the payments then. Can you send out an email invoice like you did for the first payment please? Can’t wait for these beauty’s :heart_eyes:


@Stewii :star_struck: Thanks for the update. Just fried my chinese VESC, that a good news you posted. Looking forward.

Just received mail for second payment. I just need to know the totals to send the cash

  • 35£ per Unit (2x35£ for dual) + 15£ shipping + 4£ custom PP :wink:

Yeeaaah !!!



@stewii I’ve just send you money for DUAL ESCape in DUAL case + shipping. 35£ * 2 + 15£ = 85£ via TransferWise

Shipping details included in mail.

Anyone know how much shipping is to the US? I also have two ESCape’s in dual enclosure.

That just shows shipping for UK and Europe. Doesn’t say anything about any other location…? Am I missing something obvious? Lol…

look on the right side. Rest of the world :wink: US is part of it, no?


HAHA! Oh man, so I’m on this forum about 99% of the time on my phone. Look at this.


… and then the phone turned on its side, view.


LOL, ok, well that answers that! Thank you for bearing with me and this damn Samsung Galaxy S7… :smile:


:joy::joy::joy: so no escapes for you…yours will be sent directly to me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

good that we could solve this small issue :wink:


I was thinking the whole time like ‘this pricing structure chart looks odd’. Haha, well, I think it’s time I get to bed… Only stayed up till 5:25a.m. FML works gonna suck in a couple hours :cry: On the plus side, I’ll FINALLY be getting my ESCape’s! Been looking forward to these for a longggg time!


Paid in full… :money_with_wings::moneybag: :slight_smile:

So I have sent about half of them already since Monday. The quicker I get the final payment the quicker I’ll ship them.

I still have 6 single and 2 duals. So if anyone is interested let me know.


I should be able to make the rest of the payment in a day or two :smile:

Any dual cases? :wink:

I have black single cases and some duals but they are not anodized (all with pcb covers)

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