ESCALATE ||| a VESC 6 derivative

That’s great! Incredible price, will be keeping a close eye on this thread :slight_smile:

Build quality looks fantastic btw!

Just have a new reflow on its way to home (after few weeks of dispute 'cause, you know, a summer job student wanted to honor France football victory while carrying the previous parcel :roll_eyes: ). So, I might be interested into a PCB although I didn’t have any reflow skill yet. Up to you ! :slight_smile:

looks great, but don’t you think the main power cables a bit to slim…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::thinking:

Bottom side is populated. This is the first time I use hot air soldering and I am pretty happy with the results; just a few solderballs and a cooked connector. Any suggestion about air temp/air speed and such is very welcome.


@Pimousse you may want to start with something easier.


They are done. I tested the 5v rail and it works. I bought the wrong 3.3v regulator so have to wait the new one before flashing the fw. Btw things are going superslow because of exams. 20180906_223536


Hi @fedestanco, I’d be interested in a PCB if you have one. I have a reflow air gun and I am repairing a second hand reflow oven. I have already used them but not for esk8 … (hacked medical devices)

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Pm me your address. I’ll tell you shipping costs.

Hi @fedestanco,

Do you happen to have any bare PCB left? if so I’m interested in 2-4. Interessted to try these out and hava a chat with my friend who is a Hardware Design engineer, they make everything from prototypes to larger productions. Would be interresting to see what they could do for production and pricing of these.

Then you need the designfiles, not the PCB :stuck_out_tongue:

No kidding @linsus :wink: Want to test them out first, haven’t asked for the files since I know he won’t give them to just anyone and don’t think he will without seeing they are build properly and get some valid feedback first.

Was initially going let my friend have a look at the schematic for the VESC 6 and see if he would be interested in doing the layout, but no need if someone else already seems to have done a great job with that.

Oh and to make it clear about my interest in the PCBs @fedestanco since you wrote earlier on you would send them out for free to people with good reflowing skills, I’m not asking to get free PCBs. If you have any left I’m interested in buying them. :slightly_smiling_face:

@fedestanco Great work on escalate mate. I am just amazed on how quickly you learnt those things. I am from a non-electronics background but recently I have had great interests in these things. I am building my own ebike and would like to learn in depth about electronics. Can you please share how you went from a noob to building a VESC derivative? Would of great help to me. How to start, things to do, etc

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think he was studying to become an engineer if I’m not misstaken. soo. go to uni for a few years ? :smiley: Jokes aside, start with installing kicad and do some youtube tutorials. Pick up some books.


Cool! Thanks! Any good recos for books?

Hi Wonder is this is available open source ? If so can someome please tel, me where i can find it Thanks

The entire vesc project is opensource. Except for the layout, for obvious reasons

Depends abit on your level of knowledge. If you truly wish to get a grasp, the fundamentals of electronics are on the heavy side, mathematic wise, it could easly feel overwhelming. So its really hard to recommend some literature without discouraging people xD.

What exactly is it that you want to learn? PCB schematic and layout? Cause the practical use of the CADtools is like MSpaint for grownups, quite easy to learn. If you want to be able to understand and design off your head I’m afraid there are no shortcuts tho.

I know one book thats pretty good, i cant remember its name tho, Will try find it. Its in english as well. probably what you prefer :smiley:

Edit: “electrical engineering, principles and applications” by Allan R. Hambley is a good one. Its a monster of a book. But it covers alot.

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im a hobbist in electronics, i can layout a pcb no problem but unsure if it works? are there any pcbs available to buy? really dont want to dive in and the project doesnt actually work or had bugs in it

Please read bro

ok is this an exact copy of this, if it is then i will build it for sure could someone cofirm this please so all software and circuit diagram is of that below?