Does anyone want to make a new wheel company? New price - $104/ 4 sets

Things have changed overtime and I’ll update this thread on Monday with the final deal we’d be getting. At the moment it’s seeming the well known wheel shape from lahambra or whatever they’re called will get to us at 104$ each person to get in and that’s for 4 wheel sets


LoL how can we like the idea without participating?:beers:


This is the “house mold” produced core we could use. It would work with a pulley. Using it would save the cost of having to make another mold for it image

. They make great stuff and they sell me tires now which are top notch

Thanks for the support! It’s a low investment and a little risk is fun.


What’s the house core like?

No use building a whole new wheel around a stinky default core.


I like the drive and passion in making this a reality, so good luck in that endeavor.

Pay close attention to the core. A wide core is needed to properly support soft urethane.


I don’t know what wheels it’s been used in in the past maybe someone would know. That’s an important point!

I’ll get back to you all with this criticism of the core and see what I can find out from them about it. Dimensions materials and past use. I think if this core doesn’t cut it we’re looking at another hurdle and maybe one too many. Let’s see. Thanks.

In the beginning, a majority of longboard wheels were fabricated with rollerblade cores. Over time, the cores became the wide supportive longboard cores we know today.

Stoked briefly mentions this in their article about mids, a term that partly came into existence to describe longboard wheels with rollerblade cores.

image image

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And poof I asked Jordan over there at aend and will see.

Awesome :clap: really cool to hear and you guys know your stuff I know you do!

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Looked a lot narrower in the first pic versus this pic. Looks good to me, at least for a first production run. I’d ask if there’s any other type of vented core they have :call_me_hand:

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Seems more like a group-buy than ‘making a new wheel company.’ Interested to see where this goes though.


Why do most wheels for esk8 end up being center set?

Wouldn’t an offset core, like the kegel, free up more room for a pulley and clear wider decks (when using 90mm+ sizes)?


Ever since I seen your hub’s with those wide Abecs, I’ve wanted a wider smaller wheel for my board. I wouldn’t be able to hack $500 but I am definitely interested in this idea.

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That wheel company needs to offer matching pulleys, then we’re talking.


Centerset wheels have better wear, which is probably ideal if you’re gunna be putting a lot of miles on them.

But I do think offset should be explored though.

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Down 10char


What? SuperFly and Constrictor and F1 and the new TB wheels are all offset cores


Hadn’t looked at the Boas too closely. Have held off on the superfly/F1 because of the chunking issues.


Can confirm Boas and F1s are heavily offset…