: China Factory Direct Retail - Electric Skateboard DIY Kits and Parts

I recently bought the following and I am having a problem and sad to say is not very helpful I just want to get your guys input. I will keep this brief because I am not 100 sure this is the right thread for this.

1 ea. Electric Skateboard Battery & ESC Power Kit 10S5P 10AH 360WH

ESC TYPES - with Dual Belt-Drive Motors ESC & Remote 1 ea. [11’’ OffRoad AllTerrian Power Truck Kit with 8’’ Pneumatic Tires

I can get 15 or so miles on this board with various conditions including incline and some grass. I charge and then it dies on me at 5-6 miles. I can provide some more details but want to make sure I am posting in the right location.

Jeezzzz just looked up that setup it’s amazing. After all the crap I am dealing with from I will be considering this setup. Wow! Really hoping I can still use some of my setup and replace few components starting with the vesc for sure. The one you picked out is out of this world!

unfortunately, you are on your own. diyeboard won’t help you.

battery uses some weak, cheap cells. I would replace that first. with tires big like yours, it is not actually so strange that you get less than 10 miles on this battery. and not just that, you will feel voltage sag pretty quick after battery drops under 100%

next thing to replace is ESC. diyeboard sells probably oldest, most basic version of skateboard ESC. nowadays you can buy some great single/dual VESC variants for not so much.

about those trucks and tires I don’t know much, but I know they sold caliber copies which were really bad and more than few had them broken during ride.

I appreciate the info and that sounds like a plan to me I’m just trying to figure out the inconveniences. One day I’ll get 15-16 miles and next day same route it drops to half I can see the battery being bad and I just get poor performance consistently but what is happening to me is just strange.

Last time this happened I went from having 3 of the 4 bars showing on board down to 2 and 1 in a matter of seconds while I tried to take it up a incline. I carry it home plug in and out and what do you know back to 3 bars.

Tested the voltage today on the battery, didn’t charge since it died on me and it was showing 37.4 volts. I even connected and ran motors full speed of course not under load and it dropped to 34.4 I imagine it would drop even more with me on it and incline but it crazy for me to think the ESC should regulate how much it pulls from the batteries so it doesn’t just drain to the 31 volt shut off voltage?

what you are describing is voltage sag - temporary drop of voltage during harder discharge. every battery will have some sag, but this is exactly difference between good and bad cells.

your esc will draw more current on inclines = bigger voltage sag. there is nothing you can do about it except get better battery. or try to take inclines slower, with slower acceleration. you could notice voltage sag when hard accelerating too.

when it seems your battery dropped much lower than you expect, just stop and wait a little bit for battery to rise to real voltage.

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Makes perfect sense but does that seem like a reasonable drop? Plus why so inconsistent prehaps.the speed and incline variation. I’m all for replacing the battery pack honestly I’m considering making my own but I want to confirm this battery pack is bad before I start shelling out more money.

Does anyone have any idea how I can confirm ?? Cell by cell check? BSM check? I’m pissed I spent all this money and I have this problem so I don’t mind swapping but I want to be sure. Can it be possible the ESC is drawing too much power. I rather have slower uphill acceleration then have it pull a excessive amount and cause it to shut off completely and then I have to carry it home. That’s the other stupid part once it stops it can power on and off as many times and I want and it won’t start I have to plug it in to charger in literally a sec then power level reset to actual and board is operational.

yeah the battery is pretty cheap. I have the same one. I get ~30km on flats with 90mm hub motors which is pretty standard for 10ah battery. with 8" pneumatics and hills, >10km is normal.

Simple test: Do a range test with 15km/h max speed. try to keep the speed as constant as you can (going around a park or something) And do the same route going max throttle.

The 2nd result should be alot worse range. Also how heavy do you weigh? I weight 140lbs. If you’re heavier, expect worse range/more battery sag

A battery doesn’t have to be faulty to be bad. This battery is late 2016/ early 2017 tech, which is forever in esk8 time. So for sure poor quality cells that will only get worse over time.

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I weigh closer to 180 I will try this out makes sense. I would try it at a incline too that way I can test incline at full throttle. I’m not going to be you guys max on this thing is but much and with these soft trucks its not gonna happen. Full throttle on incline all day :slight_smile:

I hear yah I am looking into putting a battery pack together that way I know the quality of the cells. Just trying to get a diagram found for a 10s6s battery pack I understand how to connect BMS to a series of 10 cells connecting the 6 series into one is where I need some clarification. I’ll start with the battery then I’ll see. Really hate dumping money into this but I don’t think I have a choice.

Good direction. If you can’t find the info you need here, another option:


Perfect thank you

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What all terrain wheels/pulleys are you using here? Or any all terrain wheels you might recommend for esk8?

I bought two of these on black friday sets and they are great, not one issue since i installed them on my sons and my diy’s. https:///collections/all-terrain-tires

I also bought one of these 20 mile battery pack for my son and he’s very happy with it.

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Hi, I have a 36’’ Dual Belt Motor Volans Leo Street 10S3P Electric Skateboard. Will the 6’’ 150*50mm 70A Airless All-Terrain Wheels with Hubs & Pulleys fit on the board?