Discussion about DIY vendors, delivery delays, communication, and transparency

So what??? your whole argument are just empty… you don’t make sens. You throwing people under the bus for nothing and with nothing, and without anyone to really back you up.

Why are you lying then???

Because… You do realize that some people hate your guts right now…

Your not really getting yourself welcome around this forum


I was going to ask if you’ve ever heard " if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all" but I don’t think we’d be here if you had


Very true. But we all knew that.


Do you want me to delete this thread then? Sorry, I’m not lying. It’s customers that were lied to. I can delete the thread if you want.

You’re * :rofl: Since we’re all being ducks


I’m getting scared. @mmaner has been typing for really long


I’m getting excited


You know what he’s typing? C L O S E D :joy::joy::joy:


i really dont like this type of thread. all it leads to is negativity and is in no way constructive.

@Photorph i think your heart was in the right place, you just went about it in the wrong way. its so easy to attack and tear down. it would be immensely better to be constructive and try to help fix the problem. and to do so you need to address the problem directly and state your goals in the beginning so that everyone knows where you are coming from.


noo lets see what happens :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

come on mmaner ive got a test in 20 mins… I want to see the fireworks before I have to leave :laughing:(totally kidding <3)


thanks! I don’t want negativity. Maybe I wasn’t clear or approached this the wrong way. I want to make sure customers know what they are getting into, and for certain vendors to learn from their mistakes and be more honest in the future. That’s what I tried to convey in my post.


Or you are getting lies to… That is the thing with human behaviour. I’m pretty sure if you just open your mind and ask for the second side of this customer story you heard, you would get a different opinions.

I have work more than a decade with customer, and sadly the story always change when the vendor is around.

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I missed this, just read this entire train wreck of a thread, I’ve got my CF 6374 190kv soap box out and mountin up…

I didn’t post names.

You should. WIth the allegations you are making bu not posting names you com off as dishonest and vengeful, like you have an ax to grind.

I have 3 years worth of emails…screen shots, many customers of theirs who have reached out to me and shared their horrible experiences as well.

Throw them up in dropbox or google drive, give people a chance to respond. I think you will find the majority of these people are not capable of maintaining a custom machine just like they would be incapable of maintaining a 32 ford coupe. Go buy a fucking Kia.

It even got to the point where certain people were so discouraged by these vendors that they totally left esk8

The they have no heart, enough said.

Will I post that proof? No

I wonder why that is?

When I find out things aren’t what they seem, it’s only fair I mention that

Now this pisses me off. Who the hell are you? The esk8 jesus title is taken (@Deckoz), as near as I can tell not a single person here is asking you to take on the mantle of arbiter of esk8 justice.

Simple. People who buy from the are usually older and financially well off people. They usually don’t post online much either so you won’t hear about it much. And just like me, the people who do business with them don’t want to hurt their business either so they won’t be posting negative reviews about their boards on reddit. Then there are others who buy a first board from them, and don’t even know what to look for in a board and have no basis of comparison. Lastly, they don’t sell a lot of volume so let’s say if they sold 10 you will have 6 people who don’t post anything, 1 or 2 who will mention all the issues and 1 o 2 who will say it’s a great board. But it’s those 6 that are quiet that really need to speak up.

This is by far the worst example of assumption and logical fuck-tarddedness I have ever seen. You MUST be a politician to come up with some epic planet size bullshit.

A person working out of their garage trying to accomplish all that alone will not work out well.

Once again, dumb as shit. Every single major innovation that has occurred in history has been driven by one person, one dude who wanted some shit he didn’t have and couldn’t find it in himself to live without it and said screw it and made it. You need read.

Some of the builders are extremely sensitive to criticism as well.

Some people are extremely sensitive to lies and bullshit, I’ll give you that.

Multiple people have messaged me telling me their negative experiences and similar stories from some vendors.

I want to see that, or Im calling you out as a lier. There’s so much bullshit you’ve thrown up in this thread I could plant a frikkin garden. There ain’t no one messaging you looking for help or asking you to advocate for them. I am just gonna assume you are trying to leverage this false reality you are trying to create into a youtube channel or IG followers or some other goofy job.

Two people told me about their boards just being lemons and falling apart recently.

You say crap like this and its null content.

  1. you wont prove it
  2. its only a miniscule part of the story
  3. in combination with all the rest of the crap above you prolly made it up

this only makes the esk8 DIY builders look bad

Are you fucking kidding me right now? You have personally caused the set back the cause of esk8 when it comes to new builders and its acceptance as an alternate means of transportation. You. This is your fault. You did it. Fuckin ass hat.

when it comes to safety, there should be more consistency

I think the real issue here is that you need to learn about maintenance. If your gonna run your board through the mud and then into a wall, you are obviously gonna have to fix some stuff. That’s not a manufacturers defect, thats a @Photorph defect.

I actually won’t be mentioning specific people.

Yeah, we understand. Because that would mean your crap storm will be proven totally unlegit, a fallacy and fantasy.

and one where the feedback from all the customers is consistently positive

Because that has ever happened. If you sell 3 things, someones gonna break it with a hammer and then cry about it because they think they are special.

I’m not defaming anyone by stating facts. Nothing I have said is an “opinion”


The reason I include LHB is because I think his boards need to be built better

@longhairedboy makes some of the best boards that can be made. How do I know this you ask? I’ve ridden some, as in more than one. I’ve purchased products from him, more than once. I wanna see your statistics that define this “Opinion” you have. Oh, you don’t have any…why doesn’t that surprise me.

His other customers have messaged me about their frustrations

Lets see the messages. Is it from the one guy that ran his board into a river? Or is it the other one that had a chipped wheel and screamed for 2 weeks that he was robbed? You cant make allegations like this without proof.

One guy messaged me about how he put so much time and effort into it and in the end he gave up esk8 because of lhb.

Lets see the message. I bet you 100 bucks he did something stupid…if it even exists which I’m really starting to doubt now.

My old friend Ollin, where the hell do I start. It would take a 10 page essay to talk about the lies here.

I’ve not purchased a lot of products from Ollin, but I will say with my limited dealings that company has always been above reproach and more than happy to resolve an issue. Oh yeah, they make good shit too.

I’m gonna close by saying a couple of things…

  1. Get back on your meds & go see your doctor, your obviously in a downward spiral.
  2. Unless you provide proof of your allegations I’m going to lobby the other moderators to suspend your account as you’ve broken at least half a dozen policies in your crap bag of a post.
  3. There’s not many people that I have a hot anger in the pit of my stomach for, but your god damned sure on that list now. When you come into my house and start throwing lies, there are consequences.

e: sorry im just wasting time before my test


thats fine. a better way might have been along the lines of a post titled “Small esk8 vendors buying guide - what to expect” and relate your experiences. its all about framing the discussion.

remember, criticism is fair so long as its constructive.


There is not perfect product, even the 100k bmw and benzes will have their problems and will require fixes and maintenance

DIY boards that are from legit people like @longhairedboy are built with much more care, better materials, and all round are a much better product than any of the “commercial” ones

I never ridden one or saw one irl but from what I have seen on here they seem to me that they are the best option to go to, if your looking something to daily that is not a toy and dont want worry about it breaking down

You can not expect anything not to break down, it will some faster some sooner If the board has problems from the start return it right away and get a board from a different seller


At least one good thing came out of this thread, and its that @longhairedboy knows that so many people have his back and his reputation wasn’t built on nothing.



I don’t know what you want? Screenshots like this? I have many people saying the same story… is that proof for you?

The reason I didn’t post proof is because it has peoples names in it, that guy above is okay with it.

censor them all and post it :slight_smile: