Custom Plywood Deck with Lid for Jacob Hubs

You can try it with the original but the vesc shunts arnt sensitive enough to get a good reading of the hub motors. 80 is recommended by benjamin Vedder. He has a set of the hub motors


Just some pictures of the final product:


Love it! Do you have any more pictures and a description of how you did the switch-in-the-truck-thingie?

I just put some thick double sided adhesive tape on the outside of the switch and put it in there. The hole in the trucks is just the right size so that it sits tightly. Not rocket science :smiley:

Where did u get it milled?

a guy at work helped me out :wink: The wood workshop department has one of these:


There are some changes I can see to the final product, are you sure the files are finalized?

truer words are rarely spoken.

There isn’t much a home pressed 9 ply rock maple longboard deck stacked with tightbond 3 can’t take abuse wise.

Any changes you see were made by hand to the product that was done with the files I uploaded.

Thats what I am planning to do.

Laser cut maple sheets to size. And just use a deck press to do the rest, I hope it works

So clean! Wow