Configuration and telemetry for VESC [iOS, Android]

I’d settle for a Bluetooth connected message… it would let me know my phone sees the board without having to check.

I added bluetooth enabled check, I agree it is a nice little improvement. Thanks! :+1:



Thank you a lot Roman for being such concerned by User experience and listen to our needs. This feature will be very useful !!


I got what I think is an original METR module plugged into my Unity through the UART port and my iPhone pairs to the METR via the METR app but all the values are 0 regardless of what I do. I’ve tried with the BUAD rate set to 9600 and 115200 and there is no feedback. What should I try next?

Unity does not work with original Metr chip, only Metr Pro with updated FW

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Disappointing but thanks!

What is the cheapest smart watch that’s working with metr?

What is the best VESC firmware to use with the original Metr bluetooth module connected to a VESC v4.12 with a DieBieMS? I want to be able to change modes.

I’m loving all the updates! I’ve been out of the loop for a bit and am trying to catch up. Great to see the implementation of Wh/mi and the audio announcements!

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You can use @Ackmaniac 3.103 with a METR module, change modes with METR app or Ack app, use TCP/IP connectivity to config, etc. You can also use the newer VESC firmware, but I like Ack’s better as it makes more sense.

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The important feature of Metr app is that you can use any VESC firmware with it (well, most of them), works just fine, all features supported.

Then there are usually 3 groups of people:

  1. Those who always use latest, get new features first, but may have some new bugs as well
  2. Wait a few weeks and let the group 1 be guinea pigs
  3. Configure and forget, do not fix if it’s not broken

Then you just need to decide what you want :slight_smile:

Can motor temp be logged with Metr? I can’t find a way to add this parameter to the recorded session. I can only see my motor temp in real-time. Thanks.

Found it! Little arrow on left in browser that opens the legend. Very happy that it logs everything at all times and it’s just a display switch.

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