Carvon Discussion

@thisguyhere 5??? wtf


Whores allowed lol


Hey my 2 pair are for the same board, not being greedy. I’m kinda fat


Hahah big people need lovin too

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I should get more. Planning to get bigger


How many have paid and how long until slots are awarded to backup buyers?


I contacted Jerry already. I’ll pay him directly when I see him.

Hey cool as long as he’s not up my ass looking for money lol

Will there be more slots ?

Well this is a pretty solid group of peeps …I’ve known them a while … the new ones I’ve seen around and they have been a good addition to the Forum…plus my group buys are always close to 100% participation each time…it been a minute since the last time I did one of these


I’m doing my best to bump the numbers so hang in there fellas


Lol you are so right lol

Ok looks like the 30pcs is what I can push it to from the 25pcs

Ok guys know who you are and know what you need to pay as per the list above. Let’s get this done promptly so he can get your crap in as quickly as possible.

So, please pay by tomorrow night…I’ll ping this thread…if there’s an issue no worries…shit happens …but just let us know what’s up…other peeps are counting on you …there are a few guys willing to replace you.

And the guys that are hoping…just hang in there … let me see what I can do.

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I just had a crazy thought, dual 6374 190kv 15/40 rear, dual v4 front, on black Superflys :exploding_head: You could do 4wd, or 2wd rear only, just disconnecting ppm from front, no resistance coasting on front while using rear 2wd with no damage…and charging?

:astonished: :arrow_up: That’s ridiculous ha ha I love it

I’m doing quad v4 on “F1” SuperFly

I just sent my payment for 1 set to the carvon email above.

WOOP! Excited. Someone should really just take away my credit cards and paypal :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone want to buy my raptor 2 slot? LOL

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107mm+ sounds safer to me as it gets the speedrives further from the rocks and curbs, but a dual-drive with a heavy rider and a 107mm wheel has too low torque, I’m afraid

I wouldn’t have even considered these if I didn’t already have the F1 SuperFly