Are DIY Electric Skateboards Cheaper? | The False Economy

Welcome man ! In my humble opinion, you may want to look at Metroboard instead of Evolve.

Have you seen their last X model ? It’s no more bulky and looks good. The brand has good reputation, where for Evolve I personally can’t trust a brand who thinks riders are test dummies and who doesn’t even care about reliability (it’s easier to shut bad feedback down).

Ask @longhairedboy what he thinks about it, he knows better than most on the matter.

Bioboards are road monsters too, and DIY… Well you’ve come to the right place for that :beers: what exactly do you seek ?


is 404 is there new location?

Yes, i realize necropost, but its a pinned topic, and open source is open source, so open source does imply an ongoing obligation… but mostly just curious as it seems there’s plenty of other options :smiley:

open source is admirable and desirable.

Itt: people who dont read carefully/thoroughly and then jump to conclusions.

Dude said in his original post that HK DOES have premium components but people trying to save a buck by going hobby route typically end up buying the cheapest and meet the false economy.

Throwing shade at particular companies porbably isnt the best look though.