Anyone experience with the Lou backpack?

I was looking into buying a new backpack in the coming months and thought, might as well buy one which may fit my longboard. So aside from the Obed backpack, I came upon this one which had the look I wanted, and the ability to carry their Lou board.

now this is where you, the very experienced longboard backpacker, comes in. I was wondering whether anyone with this backpack has attached their longboard to it (not the LOU board!) and if any longboard that is not the lou board would work with the backpack (considering factors such as weight, length and width)? There was only one video on this backpack and it looked the part but he carried the Lou board with it. God, I feel like I am promoting Lou board with the amount of times I’ve mentioned them in this post.

If you have any other backpacks, you are welcome to suggest them down below.

Thank you