A123 LiFePO4 Group Buy

any update on the teardown? you might try acetone on the glue to soften it.

bump, for science! @Pantologist

Double bump! Wonder if really a compression pack. And what pressure. What the materials are.

Sorry after the last post I never figured out a way to get the plastic cell enclosure out of the shell. And now Iā€™m busy with schoolā€¦

and/or a hairdry to soften the glue

Maybe these are actually 21700 Li-Ion cells ? Iā€™m betting on Samsung INR21700-30T cells arranged in 13S2P ? That would make up for a max discharge rate of 70A (max 35A per cell), just like with the 12S A123 Pack of M1a cellsā€¦ But total capacity would be 6.0Ahā€¦ Or maybe 5.7Ah if you donā€™t fully charge like boosted does (charging up to 54.4V instead of 54.6V)ā€¦

We wonā€™t be absolutely sure though until someone dares to open it.

Any new news on what cells these are?