2018 Electric Skateboard Convention - #Esk8Con2018

you act like he’s not already :thinking:


I’ve been looking for a ow… hmmm


PM’ed you re: OW+

Where is the public skateboard park in Vegas? Is that desert breeze or another?

Can yiu tell us how did you get such a low price?, that’s crazy and seems impossible!


North Vegas…can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s huge.

Sorry gents yeah life gets in the way…

A few things ive been dealing with since the summer and has kept me from going balls out…

My dad was diagnosed with cancer of the intestine and liver and has been going through chemo the past few months as well as my mom… So, had to split to Texas a few times and the holidays have been just busy since Thanksgiving…so hence my lack of involvement in the fourm the past few months…

Kids go back on Monday so…hope to back at it next week with some energy. Got to visit my folks this past Christmas/NYE and they are doing good which makes me feel better about things in general.

Anyway, ill see what i can rally interms of rooms and events to make it a fun weekend for all.

I guess ill keep you posted


So sorry to hear about such health issues. If it does happen, the River Mountain Loop Trail would be a great event to add to the mix and also some great off road trails at the same place (Bootleg Canyon): River Mountain Loop Trail access point

I realize the nightmare of organizing a Convention can present so I for one as an exhibitor at such an event would be happy to attend an informal first run attempt where we all get together at different public venues to try different things. I can bring a large selection of what we make for everyone to experiment with and to more fully understand what RipTide does in terms of our compounds and shapes and how that effects handling for whatever you would like your board to do. It would be a tremendous learning experience for us also and afford us the luxury of R&D in preparation for a more formal 2019 Electric skateboard Convention.


I may be in the minority, but I feel like I’d have a lot of fun, and be content with drinking some beers and going riding with a bunch of other folks on this forum.


I totally agree.


dang… was looking through plane tickets to vegas

HELLA expensive. maybe I could get a job and see if I could pay for them by april :thinking:


Don’t know where you’re flying from, but check spiritair.com and skiplagged.com

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flying domestic, problem is, im an unemployed 14 year old :wink:

would have to pay to fly my mom too

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$320 round trip from PHL

I’m ready hehe

Can we get a pic of your mom?

Just kidding.


Lol for a second I thought you meant the Philippines

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Sooooo, what is the current status of this brainchild? Very interested in attending if possible

Alright, I’m in, where you want me?

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