$15/20 Boardnamics Caliber Motor Mounts

With they fit Maytech’s 6880?

Coming soon… IMG_2391

Boardnamics 220mm Caliber II hanger


I don’t know why caliber has never made a esk8 trucks besides the e-cal. Great looking precision. Are they going to be 8mm axels or 10 mm like the surfrodz

8mm shoulder bolt axles 10chars


Yaaaasss!!! Never understood the 10mm

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are you interested in beta testers? im pretty fat. i could really test those things lol

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By 8mm shoulder bolts, do you mean m6 bolts with an 8mm shoulder? If that’s the case, will there be a strength issue considering the m6 portion?

Yeah the 8mm shoulder bolts are M6. The axle goes into an 43mm hole, 13mm of it being tapped M6. So 30mm of the bolt is in aluminum.

The threads will be under little to no shear loads.


Damn, boardnamic bout to become the king of DIY.


Pretty cool, this should be compatible with caliber II base plate and also TB218 base plates?

Definitely caliber II, unsure about tb 218.

Same profile as caliber II

Price is looking like $40 each, $70 a set


Where are you in the states

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Kansas. 67026

Im really excited to see a finished product. I would gladly start buying your trucks instead of tb 218mm ones. Supporting the small time operation is worth so much more

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These look awesome. What’s the reason for 43mm? Is it just matching say what surf rods bolt insert length was? Rather than say 53? 63? Shoulder bolts come in a range of lengths… would longer bolt length in the hanger be of a strength benefit?

@Rosco The overall hole depth is 43mm, but the last 13mm are tapped M6 for the shoulder bolt. So the 8mm part of the bolt can sink in as much as 30mm.

Shorter shoulder bolts are cheaper but I didn’t want to cheap out because the strength will go down the closer I run the axle thread to the end of the hanger.

Cheers. Was just wondering why 30mm, not more? (or less)? How does this stack up against surf rods?

30mm felt like a good balance. Any further and my software indicated little to no strength gains.

Surfordz looks around 30mm. Remember the threads don’t countsurf-rodz8


Hey man what size belt and motor pulley are you running on this set up?

Anybody using the 50xx non idler mounts?

I can’t get more than two bolts in at any given time no matter how i adjust them.

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