Vanguard Orange | 10s | SK3 I VESC

Little update to my charging system. I’m still charging my batteries in parallel and discharging them in series. I use little loop key to hook by batteries in series. When charging I take the key off and connect charger to that connector. Another charging connector goes to the main power cable.


I am confused about how you are switching from series to parallel?

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green136\blue204;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 {\field{*\fldinst{HYPERLINK “”}}{\fldrslt \f0\fs28 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 }}}In this picture is the blue and orange wires going to vesc / charger

That picture is the one of the pack not in the enclosure

Hope this picture clears things out :slight_smile:


Dammit - I spent so much time perfecting this beautiful image and now I am too late :frowning:


It’s ok @Maxid yours is better no offence @Dunkirk

is the only reason you are creating two packs is because of your charger limitation or is there something else?

Yes that is right.

10s chargers costs about 200euros so I am good with my 6s charger. I do not want to use BMS either because I don’t want that balancing capability on my longboard adding weight and taking space. I have that capability in my charger.

@Dunkirk Where did you get the Pulley system for the Kegels?

I got mine from Alien, quality parts: Hub adaptor + Pulley offers also pulleys for kegels

Heloo @Dunkirk, first of all, awesome build, I carefully read all the thread and learnt every detail, I was just wondering about the weight of your board, how much is it in total?

I see that having 30 LG HE2 batteries gives you 277.5Wh for 1,44kg (at 48g per cell), pretty good right?

I’m thinking of building maybe a 6s4p, that’d give me a max discharge rate of 80A right? And how do I determine what my motor will draw?

Thanks, see you!!


80A sounds decent at 6s configuration. It really depends what sort of esc and motor you are using. It would be good if you could limit the amp draw from the battery for example using esc that has that limiting capability.

Your motor will draw different amps in different situations. When cruising at flats the basic esk8 motors will draw under 10A. I bet that the max amps (50A-70A) you will be drawing when going hills or accelerate hard.

You can always go higher voltage to lower your amps!

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10A, that’s low haha, I have the mamba monster 2 and the sk3 245kv. The mamba says it can continually draw up to 120A, so I don’t know, that’s probably way too much.

Btw, how’s that beauty going? Do you use it all the time?

Max amp draw of mamba is 120A. There is not a such thing as too much amp rating for ESC.

Your board will performance good with 6s4p battery Mamba 2 and 245kv motor :slight_smile:

Yes I am using it full time! Upgraded it with 192kv motor and 15mm belt, now this is rock solid!


Why did you go to 192kv? Was 168kv not cutting it?

Can you compare the two please? I am trying to decide between the two.

Well there is two reasons why I upgraded to 192kv motor. First I wanted more speed, it is not much but something. (Of cource I could done that with gearing) There is really not a noticeable difference in torque between those two.

The main reason why changed the motor is because I am building a 12s board and 168kv would be more suitable with it.

So I would say go with the 192kv if you are running max 10s, and above that go with 168kv.

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Sweet build!! =) That board looks awesome, feel good to ride? even fast? =)

/Oliver, Sweden!

First of all awesome build I just love it. Would you mind explaining (hopefully not again) how you did to balance the cells ? I don.t see how to balance all 10S when charger has only 5 or 6 ?

Thank you.

Just scroll up a bit: Here & here. The idea is that you connect the batteries (2 times 5S2P) in parallel when charging (so a 5S4P pack) and then connect them in series (10S2P) when discharging, this way they balance each other before charging (this is called parallel charging if you want to look more into this) and you can charge with a 5S charger.

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