The legitimacy of a trademark on an opensource design

If it isn’t your intention to prevent people making similar produxrs, then explain what is the whole fuss about the lawsuit to the forumers who are making the other esc based on the HW6.4.

Their work isn’t a 1:1 copy. Is more like a 0.9:1 copy


Every single one of these is true about Stewii ESCape. And yet you are still here whining…

And above all you should have told your little slave(how it sounds you treat BV) to not release the schematics in 2016 if you didn’t want other people building vesc6.4 hardware

It’s open source now. Move on.


I’m curious what kind of song and dance presentation Frank had to give BV to get him to agree to license his product for this iteration.

The schematics are online for ages! Developers around the globe made HW6 based ESC from the moment enough info was out there and the software was ready to run them.

There are quite a few HW6 ESCs around, most of them are purpose made for a certain device.

Exactly, and none are for sale… the one that is for sale, you’re here complaining about…even though what was done here was exactly as you just explained.


So basically if @stewii is not in the EU/UK there is little you can legally do about it so all you are doing is posturing trying to scare him off and what you are doing in reality is scaring off your own potential clients.


Yeah can you explain that Frank? Be sure to use small words, I’m not as good with these things as you are… Lol…

Hit the nail on the head!

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Honestly when you put your software developers in ski masks for photos and videos. Yea. I see a problem. Locked out. It’s going to take this community to take it back.

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So here we have it…proof positive that Frank has been lying the entire time.


questionable business tactics is one thing, but straight up lying is quite a whole new level :rofl:


Schematics may be posted ages ago online. But the fact that the schematics didn’t specifically say what dimensions the circuit board are. But many developers see that the PCB at it’s current stage is already quite compact.

And since the forumers who did their own HW6.4 based on the schematics, it isn’t a direct copy. It is used as a reference. A direct copy is when a person had the exactly same pin in and pin out connections. Exact means 100%. If it isn’t 100%, it is used as a reference.

As much as I hate to sound sarcastic, the fact that you had the privilege to work with BV and then go about bitching to people about originality and innovation, you are not in the correct position. You simply made your design based on the circuitry that BV supplied you to work with.


I’m gonna put in my 2 cents on this topic and I btw read the whole thing from post #1

I’m gonna approach this topic from the BMS perspective. With the @raphaelchang and his Battman and me and my FlexiBMS projects. Let’s see if we can draw some parallels in this case.


FlexiBMS 0.1:

I doubt a few would say with a glance at the two boards above, that they are the same product. But fact is my pre-apha prototype (white board below) shared quite a lot with the Battman, but the fact is the project has evolved to a very different direction from there. Based on the performance tests I found some things lacking have then been trying to improve some of the blocks on the board on the component level. Now the whole design concept has changed very distinctively from Raphael Chang’s creation, with the separation of the discharge control board to it’s own module. This has been developed further on the concept level with the feedback from the community. I doubt there would be any chances to mix-up the two boards now. I suppose this is what @trampa is meaning by differentiating the design. Still a BMS, but different approaches.

Personally I couldn’t copy someones product 1:1. I would feel just scummy, so I made my own board first based on the “reference design” (Battman), learned how it worked and how to work it and then improved from there in the areas I found lacking and now it has become it’s own thing.

EDIT: Note, I bought 2 VESC6s from a forum member recently for 450€ total and I still feel the pain…


well there you go @stewii & @bimmer carry on EscBuildingBro’s complications have been neutered…


Quite different! Battman was an unproven and untested? design. Vesc6 was not! The design is very efficient and compact. And I wanted a square shaped product.

My pcb design is not 1:1 copy

But who came up with this layout anyway?


Some mockups were already published before FOCBOX saw the daylight


Sorry, just started making these and I can’t stop.


So Stewii gets killed? That s%cks.

I was capturing a moment in time? Yeah, this one is meh.

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