Ollin FreeRides available for pre-order

By widely available, I mostly mean being able to purchase one on your website and receive a board within a reasonable and predictable amount of time and when the supply is approaching the demand. Whether that means entering a queue, etc.

I don’t use instagram that much (not enough to track something well), so being dependent on that + being lucky enough to grab one of the few available boards (assuming others are also waiting, etc) isn’t ideal as a ‘general’ consumer.

If that’s the current reality, that’s okay and perfectly fair…it is literally your business :slight_smile: … but that’s mostly what I’m referring to by availability. Thanks for the follow up, though.

@nw-esk8 wild guess here but does the nw in your username mean washington/oregon area? I live near seattle and would be happy to let you try the freeride if you’re in the area. its fast AF :slight_smile:

Yep, I’m on the Eastside, about 15-20 minutes outside Seattle :).

i work in redmond so feel free to hit me up - we can shred the 520 bike trail, some decent pavement and hill bombs on that run. the way my freeride is geared on 97s it’s very fast, kind of a race board, not really designed for start/stopping around parking lots. we could hit marymoor also… they have a velodrome I’ve been wanting to jump in haha

I’m on the eastside as well. I should have my build ready to roll next month.

Good shit!! Can your build hang at 30mph. I have been wanting to ride with someone for ever but when im out and looking for other esk8rs I only see boosted guys carrying their dead batteries around :frowning: PNW group ride this summer?

It’s a dual rear with a 10s8p so I don’t know how fast but I won’t be carrying a dead battery

10s8p!!! Outstanding :smiley:

Had to comment. Never seen so many east side ESK8’ers in one post. Wish that was the case when I’m out on my board. My board will hang at 30mph…

My board can hang. Just did a PDX Meetup and Boosted board dudes dropped out while I kept going for the night. I’m only running a 10s4p though.