How I made my lipo packs slimmer!

Apparently I’m not the best “solderer”? But it is great to have the option.

@mccloed @treenutter @lowGuido

Not sure what you guys use/or are considering using but this is the good stuff right here

I just used this stuff:

I used this stuff and it worked great I even got away with a 45w iron

Thats the stuff i used to use!

Its not you… that stuff is terrible! IT just makes a big slimy mess and barley any of the solder sticks! trust me use the actually flux core alum solder i posted. ITs a world away.

Agreed. It makes slim lipos possible. before i found it slim lipos were much harder since the tabs dont wet to regular solder.

Nice! I’ll have to get some. Thanks!

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I have a battery that failed during charging a few weeks ago, I think it might just be a bad connection. Do you guys think this same kind of process for taking the batteries apart would work with a Zippy 3s?

Yes, but make sure to have good solvent (GooGone or similar) and dental floss ready to separate the cells. They might be glued together.

I have taken several apart. Not easy. Good suggestion. I usually just use a plastic scraper.

Great, I’ll try that. Thanks!

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I wouldnt say its difficult. Its just one more thing you are going to need to buy. If the pack is already soldered its almost as easy as putting the iron on it. Standard 60 40 solder is everywhere. Aluminium flux is specialised its harder to find.

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so i have 4 and a sk3 6374 149kv i want to make a slip pack but i dont know what would be better for the parts i have a 10s or 12s with this batteries thanks for the help

@lowGuido just finished this for me forgot to put up pic

took your advice @barajabali


Nice work @lowGuido :facepunch:t2:

Like how he put his logo on it

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see who said I wasn’t a nice guy? what you see there is four 3S packs stripped down, desoldered, flat packed, re soldered, shrink wrapped, custom balance leads and charging port with separate alarm connection. all for the cost of components.

don’t all start sending me lipo packs though…


Ur such a giver hahahah

I dont have tons of $$$ but im interested. Even if you pointed me to the cells and solder and paste.

I mean mine looked like that when i split it into a 4s and 2s packs and i still used them but thats not saying much. :joy: