How do you clock milage on your board?

First of all, I want to say thanks for all the responses in my questionnaire in my previous post! I got more replies than I expected and they all really help :smiley:

I’ve been wondering how people clock the miles they do on their boards and what apps/products they use?

I was just curious if anybody has been able to create a mile counter and impliment a small display in their board to show total clocked…

I don’t​:grin::thinking::thinking::thinking:

Same right now but thought it might be interesting :thinking:

Well I’m not using a board to commute. But I bet the guys who do have a rough idea of their weekly mileage and base maintenance off of that. Assuming they don’t have an app to track that stuff every day. I have a Bluetooth module but I wouldn’t say I check it every ride. Or rather hit record when I start riding.

Does the Bluetooth module track distance per ride? Think I might have to get one…

I clock mileage with a Bluetooth module connected to my vescs and use @Ackmaniac firmware. It’s pretty awesome. I can track distance per ride if you choose a different trip I believe. These are just my weekly tracks so far.


It does. If you hit record. Then stop it when you finish.

Is it possible to make it record distance each time you turn the board on and it connects?

Ah damn, It would be useful if you were able to record whenever you turned the board on

This is the metr module. It connects real quick and gives you realtime data as well. After you upload the data you record which is also easy it gives you a rundown of your trip.

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That would be a good question for the developer. Have him implement a toggle in the app to record on startup.

What app do you use?

This is the thread for his module and the app that works with it. There are other like it. This is just the one I used.


That’s asking too much. When I need to be somewhere, I grab and GO

Barely stop long enough to throw braincase reinforcement on

Exactly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You have auto recording in metr as well…

This is anmetr record… is like no other :wink:

You can enable automatic records and forget about the app. It will wake up when you power your board and start riding

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Does this work with any vesc bluetooth module? And do you need to instal special firmware on your vesc to run it?

No, you need to buy the module here It works best with latest official firmware from VESC Tool.

You’ll need a metr module.

-2.xx firmwares metr works on all, Perimetr only works on metr custom firmware -3.xx firmwares, I’m using ackmaniac 3.100 and metr and perimeter work.

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