Have a potential supplier of the new Samsung 30T 21700 cells

Your right, I’m sorry.

An ESCape or VESC6 cant burn your house down if it is built incorrectly. Does it occur to you that you just spent an hour arguing with people that have actually bought and built a battery when you have yet to buy or build one? Does this not seem a little tedious and pointlessly argumentative to you?

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As it was pointed out just now we’re derailing the thread. I’d be happy to discuss this with you in PM.

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Are the prices you got for the cells that were resleeved still the same… Cause if they are, then that’s these 30T and 40T cells at much much less, just under a different brand name, but still the same cells… Right?

Yep still same prices.

@Deckoz finally you did change that thumbnail ! Who the hell are you now lol

A space man lol

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Not like we’ve asked anyone who paid for more money (except when it comes time to ship, since our prices don’t include this). If they paid $400 a year ago, they are getting them for $400 + shipping. Instead, we find new customers. It’s not like we don’t have motors going to together every day. WE’d love to have parts in stock, everyone building a product from the ground up wishes they had inventory. But we have to test the machining places ability to meet specs, and the parts need to be tested, and the assembly process needs all the kinks worked out. These things take time. Their will be a day in the not too distant future where we get inventory. We might be supplying motors to a few large non-electric board companies turning electric, plus we’re working on our own completes, and that’ll help to keep things in stock for the community to use also. We are building this into a full time job, with the hope of transitioning within the coming weeks. We’re getting ready to order the next round of motor parts as we speak, so we won’t be out of stock for too long once these are shipped out. We have a few customers that will be receiving theirs within the next 2 weeks (because they want to do their own wheels, and that’s the real hold up at this point. It takes time to test. 100 miles so far, no deterioration of core and no chunking of the wheels). We could have shipped stuff 6 months ago, but they were 2/3rds of this motor or less in terms of quality and design. We don’t want anyone to be disappointed.


He is Daft Punk cousin


I agree with the whole burn down the house battery build thing. Which is why people pay good money for a good battery pack. Plus it’s time consuming to build.

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In my opinion I think its like a real world a service that they can provide with there skilled knowledge and the equipment they have to making there life’s easier. Its to factor ones time , there skill, warranty, and equipment cost. You can argue that yes its cheaper but you’d need to buy a spot welder for a one time use. Sure you can "look up youtube " and learn yourself for a one time use , but your going to mess up one way or another from learning and I am not willing to have a mess up on a battery can catch fire and can cost me my entire build , so I understand that given that I will only need one battery pack, and will need to buy equipment, and study /watch vidoes about battery packs , given that I will mess up along the way with 12-16 hours to make after wards for a one time thing , I value my own time and I’d rather pay for the safety of knowing its well built , has warranty and was done with the right equipment


What about solderless instead then. You save time and money, no special tools. Insert in the good direction, latch it and voilà. For BMS & connector, solder wires to the strips before assembly with a good ol iron. Should shave many hours from your schedule.

Anyway people should know a set standard about what they’re using / buying or what they are building, and spend time looking tutos. Should be a golden rule even for pre-built boards.

Did you follow the story of that kid plugging a high voltage charger in his 21v Riptide? It did happen because of ignorance. Not asking to be MIT, just a basic set of understanding.

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What about this guy

I’ve been looking at all the websites that are selling the Samsung 30T and 40T, and they are crazy expensive at $18 and $20 a cell. I found another cell that seems very good, but it’s not a brand I’m familiar with. Does anyone know anything about this battery or the brand?

I’m gonna go ahead and guess that’s a Samsung 48g rewrap. 4800mah and 8a max.

But it says it has 30A, that’s much more than the 48G.

It’s a rewrap. They can put whatever they want on the wrapper. Doesn’t change what the cell can handle.


I’d recommend you visit here for your future battery questions.

  1. This guy has probably tested every battery for most of the sizes we use.
  2. Rarely do you see eskate users picking batteries outside of the top five you see on the forum.

Hey thanks for the link!

Regardless of the price, what cell do you guys think the best cell currently available is? Excluding the Samsung 30T and 40T. I guess regardless of price, with the exception of those two, as they are just comically over priced…

So I was just reading some of the tests they did on that site and one of them was for what they thought to be a rebranded Samsung 40T (which he also said that very is pretty much the most powerful cell out currently), the Vapcell Gold 4000mAh 30A 21700. On some sites it’s going for $17.99, which is better than the $20 price tag I’ve seen. I looked some more and they have it on alibaba… for between $10-12


I’ve never used alibaba though, so I don’t know if that is reliable or not. What do you guys think?

I think you’re putting way too much thought into batteries. Just run some 30q for your first build and go from there.