Europe GB - CLOSED!

Did you send mine out Sunday?

I appreciate you for finding the guts to open up about this, I think anyone here would have overworked himself after taking such a big challenge. Iā€™m not at all angry with you but I do hope you learned from this, Cheers

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I think weā€™re having allot of patience putting up with nothing but vague or even no answers at all. Itā€™s not his first GB so he knew what needed to be done. Itā€™s been 2 months now and weā€™ve all been patiently waiting. I think after this much waiting and patience we can demand our products.

If he doesnā€™t let us know what the problem is and keeps being vague we can not help this GB further. Just take a few minutes of your day and explain to us why we are still waiting, it wonā€™t hurt. But if you keep being invisible and vague people will start demanding their money back and the problem will be too big to overcome by yourself.

I think we deserve an explanation and a quick solution. Youā€™ve done two GB before, itā€™s not like itā€™s all new to you.

Iā€™m sorry to say this, but @ajaynagra youā€™re kinda being a !#$% right now.

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I donā€™t believe the problem will be solved with 3,50 per person. I have doubts that Ajay even has all the ordered stuff together. Why he never showed a photo from all the stuff? He just showed a little bit or did I miss something? Ajay be a man with balls and tell us the truth!!!

As a group, what can we do now? Weather is getting nicer in here, I would like to finish and ride my boardā€¦


I have a strong sense at this point that @ajaynagra is in a big trouble here and canā€™t deliver the goods (at least not all of the goods). Otherwise I donā€™t see we why he doesnā€™t follow up on his promise to ship after ā€œcoming cleanā€.

Iā€™m going to wait with the dispute until the end of the week as I promised above (but my hunch is that the situation wonā€™t change by than).

For those who canā€™t dispute, I suggest escalating this issue to an actual lawsuit. The fact that this is a group buy, the fact that it is ran by a young person, the fact that this is the internet, those should not change the fundamental rules of decency.

Cā€™mon @ajaynagra. Time for a little update, the troops are getting restless. If you can simply lay out your problems then weā€™ll be one step closer to sorting things out. A problem shared is a problem halved, perhapsā€¦ Is there anything that people can do that might help? Has it all gone so wrong that a few Ā£3.50ā€™s wonā€™t really dent the problem? Whatever you say it will be better than keeping quiet. People have busy lives, but, you not finding 5 minutes to give some idea of where this is seems to be wearing a bit thin.

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Iā€™m abroad right now and donā€™t have WiFi the whole time. I payed a lot of money in this group buy but I am a student so money is tight. I hoped my package would have arrived in the end of december so I could have built my board in christmas holidays. Now I really hope this can be sorted out in the next two weeks so I will have the stuff when I get back from my trip, because if it takes even longer then university starts again and I wonā€™t have time to build. Please @ajaynagra give an update. I canā€™t be online for the next week but I would be willing to pay a LITTLE more.

Does anyone know where he lives? Or maybe we could start new topic asking for someone who knows him in person?

Iā€™m sorry but there was time for words, I think we need to find ourselfs what is going on.

People who received their packages should have name and address to return it.

Please put down the torches and pitchforks, you canā€™t threaten the guy. And @yinnon stop being so American with your lawsuit, this is not the place for that.

Looks to me he is sending package, I got a PM to ask for my address. I think heā€™s slowly getting there now. I asked him what is wrong and how we can help, but no answer yet.

Hope for an update tomorrow.


Perhaps @JLabs might be able to shed some light on the situation? If I can find the box there may be some details on it but donā€™t seem to remember anything. There may be other contact details on the polar uk shop?

Jlabs is not related to this group buy anymore. I have been asked the address as well, but he didnā€™t reply to my other 3 messages. He should have sent parcels and tracking numbers on monday, nothing yet. But last ā€œseenā€ on the forum has been 3 hours ago.

Yeah guys Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s kind of out of my hands. I have not heard from Ajay in many weeks. I donā€™t think creating a lawsuit and asking for his address will change anything.

I am not sure why anyone would threaten or ask for another personā€™s address. Thatā€™s gotta be a cross of a line. If he said heā€™ll ship them give him time.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the problem, but he said he would have shipped them on Monday and posted the spreadsheet. He connected some hours ago, but no news from him. Whatā€™s the problem with him? If he has been able to connect, he has also been able to give us news, but he hasnā€™t done it. Iā€™m not threatening him for now, but he owes me 300+ euros and he has the duty to tell me whatā€™s going on, thatā€™s all


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Give him Some time guys, (must be dumb of me to say that but donā€™t jump the hype blame train on me now). Give him some time. He just replied a day ago.

Please donā€™t read between the lines.

If someone live nearby and could chech if hes ok, that at least would be some information.

You shouldnā€™t show up to someoneā€™s house uninvited nonetheless that person has a gun. Give him some time