eSk8Tube Video thread

I think that’s what I’m going to have to do. My computer can’t seem to be able to handle 1080@60fps. I found some videos on YouTube that where 60fps and they stuttered just like mine did at 1080. When I drop them to 720 @60fps, they played smooth. So it’s either 1080/30 or 720/60 I did get one of these but I don’t it’s gonna help unless I get a new computer also.;jsessionid=Y4J0kSNFxPY4sQOlKM7wHQ__.node3?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG

Just shoot at 30 fps it will make no difference since we are either on a tablet or on out phones … Get off the Amazon and Frys website and #GoSkate

Just did a test with new sd card. 1080/60 1080/30 720/60 My computer chokes on 1080/60 The other two run fine 1080/30 has a lot more blur with fast motion 720/60 was much smoother Looks like 720/60 is better option for fast motion video.

Glad you found the problem.

Do it man…Pull the trigger…we all know you want a new computer lol

Yes, but not just yet. Shot some video today using a tripod, helmet mount and a selfie pole. Got some good frames. Just gotta edit and splice it together and post it on YouTube. Shot at 720/60. It came out really good at that setting. Flows smooth too.

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Oscars… Here we come!:movie_camera::zap::zap::zap::zap::zap:

Pitch black night ride on the Yocaher Drop deck

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Try playing the files using VLC Player (if you aren’t using that already), for some reason quicktime chokes on 1080p60fps footage on my old macbook pro but VLC plays it smoothly…

oh god ! people are havin so much fun , and i left walking while waiting for my BMS to arrive . i’m gonna post videos when its back in action . sure i will .

Thanks for the tip Justin. I haven’t tried vlc player. The videos are in mp4. Does vlc player play those or do they have to be converted? And what about youtube? My mac mini is choking on youtube with 1080/60. Anyway, I shot some video at 720/60 and it looks pretty good and smooth with speed. I just found out the iMovie will not do 60fps at any resolution so I’m considering another option like Premiere Elements. I tried a trial version last night and it works pretty well. much easier to trim clips than iMovie. I was running OS X Lion and it was working well, Then I had to upgrade because of compatibility issues with my new iPhone 6s+ and go pro software. So I installed OS X El Capitan and it is choking my machine. I’m running 8gigs of ram and the system is using half of it. Guess thats how apple forces you to buy new computers every 4 years.

Vlc plays pretty much any format you throw at it, and it’s free.

Just for you @Dedbny … Day ride on the Back to the Futue Hover Board lol


Thks Michael. Some nice carving on those paths. Nice deck.

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Nice one bro! But I still say your night cruise on the Vegas strip was the best ever. :sunglasses: Btw, very cool deck!!!

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Well, here goes my first GoPro flick. Just cruising the neighborhood on a Saturday afternoon


RIGHT ON​:fist:t2: That was kick ass…:movie_camera::+1:t2:…super smooth … Great camera angles …OH…my…the music…def not Joni Mitchell … I especially like seeing everyone tooling around in their yard…while you…are FREAKING RIPPING on a 12s dual carvon…little do they know, a centemeter move by your finger could launch you right through the wall and on their living room coffee table at a high velocity…

Looks like money worth spent…look forward to seeing more … Road trip for different scenery…although…your roads are like marble

Oh man, that was hilarious, I’m still laughing :joy:

@Namasaki - Really nice video, nice ride, it’s just from 1.00 to 1.40 it looks like you’re riding with your cock out.

So so sorry for observation

Thanks for the awesome reviews guys!

I never noticed that before but I see what you mean. The way I’m holding the remote. Looks like I’m holding something else. LoL