Enertion Raptor | First Batch Problems & Solutions

thanks! And wen is the nex batch? Do you know?

Message sent to Nasty.

Removing the cover over the battery has made all the difference as far as losing signal. I don’t have the problem unresponsive movements of the throttle and after about two hours of riding no more “shorts” where the signal would just stop then start again. Phenomenal up and down the hills there is almost no decrease in speed.

I still have the problem that I can’t cruise at 5mph the board wants to keep accelerating to max as long as I have the throttle on… But I can just pulse the throttle to go slow.

I’ll start tweaking the settings but wanted to put hours on the board without the battery cover as u guys suggested. Confidence restored regarding the connection issue so far :slight_smile:

i have 15% left when I plug the charger in, the charger’s light is green. There is also a small red light blinking. Am I correct that the battery should be “on” as im charging it? When I turn it off then the green light on the charger goes away.

@jesterfuj battery should be off while charging!

Ok but then there is no light on the charger unit…

have the battery off, and then plug in the charger.

The battery will then “turn in” because even if the switch is off, the LCD will be on when charging.

So your switch won’t be pressed, but the LCD will still be on while charging.

If you are using cruise control wouldn’t you let off the throttle unless you “wanted” to speed up? I would assume that once you set cruise you wouldn’t need to touch the throttle unless you wanted to speed up or slow down.

Outside slow speed demonstration, with cruise control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYQnCL6xhPU

Non chlorinated brake cleaner with a tube attached to teh sprayer works great! WEAR EYE PROTECTION GLASSES + SHIELD IDEALLY! I HAVE GOTTEN THIS STUFF IN MY EYE NOT COOL Probably the best cleaner though. Good Luck all. I get mine this afternoon. I may post a vid for those that may need it.

@onloop If he does not want it I’m game I’m in NJ, USA, he can ship me everything. Need a board for my other son. Email me the details and you and I can work out the other stuff and I’ll post some “Repair Shop” pics and vids for the group so you can keep doing what you need to to keep the others happy.

I’ve seen a few throw their hat in the ring to buy Nasty’s board. I will put myself in line, if that’s OK. I’d love to have this sent to my brother in the United States. Only a dual would do, and I know it would look used quick, so like new looks wouldn’t be needed as long as it worked properly. Anyhow, if anything comes up with those before me which prevents their purchase I’d instantly pay to gift it to my brother.

Assuming Nasty wants a full refund, I am ready to buy it. Sorry guys!

Or may be we just need one of these.


Thanks Xusia to motivate me to get into BLDC tool! I was a bit afraid to destroy everything but you made me clear that it’s easy and everyone can do it. I have just changed the PPM settings and it is a complete different board. The speed is now controllable and the board much more predictable while accelerating. Now Im able to hold low speed if I want. Haven’t tried the cruise control yet but I will tomorrow. Know I can just repeat what you said:

Everyone should do these changes

Made another mod today to check if I could add a bit range to the controller. I came up with this because I think it looks better than one big hole :smiley:

The range it better. Not perfect but better! Edit: I also have cut the packaging of the remote to get small “windows” wich I glued in the inside from the display hole and my drilled holes to keep dirt outside.


The little holes are definitely a neat idea until you get a new top panel!

That looks neat. I like how you can see reciever led

Lets us know how you think the cruise control works any better.

This thread has me thinking i should stick to fiberglass boxes.

I’m using all of these exact same parts on my boards. The entire power train, electronics, receivers, everything is basically identical to a raptor on a Scarlet except the deck and box. Even the same exact steez remote.

I have no transceiver issues at all, but yeah, the throttle is touchy. UNTIL YOU GET USED TO IT.

Stand on your board and ease up on the throttle until it “bubbles” then starts to move. Yes it will keep accelerating until you ease back again. It’s just like a car.

all those holes in the lid… some people are gonna be fucked when it rains.

I guess nobody else has managed to weigh their lids yet…

@onloop not that I plan to hold your “feet to the fire,” yet I’m hoping could you provide some details about the replacement lids. When do you think you will have them sent out buy, in terms of timeframe? Will they look like carbon fiber yet be made of fiber glass? If not, will they be solid black, or something else? Will they come with the relevant grip tape pre-applied, or something/nothing else? Just curious if you can share any more details at this point.