Enertion NANO-X | On Sale $49usd | GROUP DISCOUNT

I’d love to as well, I live in Australia too, so feedback would get to him pretty quickly. Unfortunately I’m an esk8 noob, and don’t have my board ready. The remote is my last piece, and it’s just a matter of getting my battery pack done when my BMS arrives.

Have you shipped any remotes for beta testing yet @onloop ? If so, is there any feedback?

here is some footage of the new NANO-X controller in use, this controller has an automatic binding function which makes setup easy & the range seems very good, however we don’t have much radio interference at my house.

the firmware probably still needs some tweaking as it appears the brake is a bit too aggressive… of course, you can make changes in the vesc too to fix that. However, I think it’s better to perfect this in the hand controller firmware as much as possible. Everyone is different & has different expectations so at the end of the day you might just rely on the vesc for fine tuning.

Still waiting on the beta units, they will arrive at Enertion HQ soon, then ill send them out to the selected forum members for their feedback.

Overall I am very excited about this, it feels nice in the hand, very compact without feeling too hard or uncomfortable to hold.


That looks promising! Can’t wait to get rid of the mark one winning remote.

you can see in this photo one of the major changes we had to make with the mold, this gives the thumb-piece a track to move back & forth on, it also prevents it falling out, it will resolve many issues and make the throttle feel much more solid under thumb.

this delayed production around 2 weeks, but definitely worth it.



Is anybody doing a group buy in Europe? Would be very interested to get one ASAP before my Winning remote kills me.

Hallo, ik woon ook in belgie en ik heb de controller gekregen… Alleen weet ik niet hoe je hem verbind met het bord… Heb jij het al gevonden?

How do you pair the winning remote with your board?

Keep it in English please! Speak Dutch in pm. Pretty weird that you got the controller this early, are the remotes shipping out already?

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Onloop said they weren’t ready yet so thats strange

@onloop any progress yet? How will the distribution go for customers in eu, will it be send in bulk so we can avoid taxes? Will you make a guide on how to set it up? I’m happy i’ll be one of the first to get the product!

That shipping price is quite a lot to the us, 17$!! Is there any way to get that cheaper?

The recent Chinese holiday period has meant not much has happened with developments.

  1. the new PCB’s for the beta test got finished last week
  2. but never arrived to assembly factory until now
  3. workers at factory will be back on Monday
  4. by Thursday the beta samples should be ready.
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is it too late to get in on this?

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I want to order this, but like some of the guys are saying, without user feedback that its bullet proof, I have to go with the original Wii remote. I use this to get to and from work in London and to be honest, when I’m on the way to work in my suit, I could do without my face or suit (as in suit and tie) getting ripped. Ending up under a car or bus because the remote didn’t respond, is not an option! If it proves to be good ill, consider ordering one. That said, the price is also a sticking point, having to pay almost half the items original purchase price as postage and then the likelihood that an import charge will be charged on top is, is not an easy pill to swallow. I’m also one of the original backers i.e. first 100 and I feel entitled in being offered far more reduced price. I remember getting an email not too long ago saying that the first 150 members will get gold status and get early access to new items and reduced prices, I’m yet to see that. Anyway, I digress, if it proves to work ill invest, but for now with the price at £40 plus shipping, its then £57 and then import taxes, it’s going to be around £75.So, for now, no thanks.

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I thought that too. But after I noticed that GT2B with case mod is more expensice than x-nano, I’m willing to take that risk, because none of these hasn’t been bulletproof as far as I know. Except GT2B.

This may be a weird question, but does anyone know if the NANO-X would work with an Evolve Bamboo GT?

I have a Raptor on the way, but my wife has a Bamboo GT and the remote scares the shit out of me lol. I took a pretty significant tumble due to the finger trigger and really don’t feel comfortable with it. We “grew up” with a Benchwheel remote on my first board, so the thumb throttle/brake is much more natural for us.

“never buying anything from [Enertion] ever again” is taking it a little too far.

The fact that we are putting together DIYs means there are inherent risks as we are the guinea pigs for these small companies. Jason is one man, his team is small and they can only test so much. That’s the reason why we are on this forum figuring things out. The Steez AND Winning were existing remotes that various company uses. As Enertion progress, they will have the means to improve (as he has with batteries, deck, mounts, etc.) The Nano-X may be our answer.

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Oct 15th came an went do we have an update on when preorders ship?


Yes, and is it possible to wait for my order to fulfill it until you send a stock to the european warehouse? Cause i bought it with my scp3. And in this topic you say it will indeed be sent from there. I dont mind waiting another month.