EMF Hub motor final sale!

Hey man! Me and Ralph have the Hubs. I sell the new version of them personally and have the mods Done to them. I use them on the daily. I’d ether get them from Ralph or myself beacuse they can be alot of work

You can see some shots on here or my website. If your really interested i can send you a pm. :slight_smile:

It’s ridiculous I love it,

Haha, what is the fastest speed you have reached?

i have the original jacob hub and on 10S and FOC I got like 38km/h

28mph on flats. 12s4p


Can you give me a link to the new version Im interested in buying :wink:


Currently you’d buy them in Pm’s with me. You can check in with me via my website or here.


How do you sel Jacob hubs?

I don’t sell jacobs hubs, I sell my redesigned can version of them. It solves the issue of the urethane slipping. Took about 4mo. Of R&D but there done!

maybe enlighten us what you actually changed? Probably all that was necessary is have the nubs extend all the way between both sides.

I’d watch out buying those hubs, they still have the urethane slippage and mediocre QC. They also refuse to change the urethane recipe, and no they will not just add the nubs ethier. If we look at Hummies Motors they have groves in bedded in the actual can of it and so the urethane will not slip. I have done this aswell,It also allows it to lock into place then just holding it by the nubs, it provides a safer ride then let’s say in the worst case someone’s nubs breaking and or Cracking under my case. :slight_smile:

I’d share the exact details but then my R&D be pointless to a extent. I’m trying to bring back reliable hub motors like Hummie! I appreciate the skepticism though! It’s not that I don’t want to share the exact details but I’m trying to make a business out of it :wink:

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Wow, you have the balls to try it in FOC mode. Did you replace the shunts to 5 mOhm how it is suggested in the manual from @jacobbloy or do use the 4.12 VESCs from enertion in original? Maybe I will go to FOC Mode after winter as well. Can you give any advices or did you just use the values from the manual?

No I left the shunts the way they were. I use the USA batch VESC from enertion. So far no problems but constantly living in fear now :smiley:

I hate the metric system. It’s the cause of most of life’s problems. :slight_smile:

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Boo-hizz! relevant reddit TIL

People just love when you handout important info…

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I honestly would, but In trying to make a living off this, perhaps when I move into a new design I could share the files with the community. Till now I think it will remain my secret :hugs:

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instead of shrinktube a plastic bottle can be used. (will shrink also).

@ leroy I love the metric system. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7… and not 1 eighth, 1fourth, 3 eights…wtf??? :dizzy_face:

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Why wouldn’t you like the metric system anyways