Configuration and telemetry for VESC [iOS, Android]

@yaca No, do not cut the plug. You are looking at the wrong connector. You need to use UART, please look at this picture:


ADC2 – RX – TX – ADC – GND – 3.3V – 5V

Recently I figured out that VESCs from Enertion do not have UART housing connectors. That’s unfortunate.

For new orders, I am including a housing connector, like this one:

You can find it on ebay by searching JST PH 2.0mm 7-Pin Female

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If your in the states you can get them pretty cheap and more importantly quickly from Here at digi-key. The Chinese ones on eBay can take over a month.

Thank you, you already included an housing connector in my order. Now I lknow what I have to do with it.

Impossible to use with nunchuk controller?

@rpasichnyk Is the module basically plug and play or are there things to program into the BLDC tool before use?

@raxell If you have 1 VESC, it is not possible. If you have 2 VESCs, you can connect my module to the slave VESC and Nunchuck to the master VESC and it will work

@Esrapp21 I tried to make it “plug and play” as much as possible, but just in case I will post detailed instructions:

  1. Check that you have UART connector on your VESC. UART pins are ADC2 - RX - TX - ADC - GND - 3.3V - 5V. VESCs from Enertion do not have it. In this case you will have to solder the connector (included with the package)
  2. Use the official BLDC tool, go to App Configuration, click “Read Configuration”, switch to UART+PPM or UART+ADC (if you use ADC and know what it is). Make sure Baud Rate is 115200. If you have more than 1 VESC and want to use Nunchuck, connect the bluetooth module to any of the slave VESCs and switch to UART on that particular slave VESC. Don’t forget to “Write configuration”
  3. Turn off the VESC
  4. Plug the module in and power on the VESC
  5. Run metr app, go to Settings tab and click Scan. Connect to your module
  6. Make sure you can see the Voltage and Temperature and other things and that they look correct

If you only want to use metr app you are good to go. If you also want to use perimetr app to modify VESC settings on the go, you need to use my firmware.

  1. Download the firmware, make sure you download the right version corresponding to your VESC (most likely VESC_4_10_plus.bin)
  2. Use BLDC tool to flash the firmware
  3. Open perimetr, go to Settings Tab and click Scan. Connect to the module, and click Read.
  4. When Read finishes, try clicking Write.
  5. If both Read and Write work without errors, you’ve done everything right!

If you notice any problems please report them here.


you mean 115200 baudrate don’t you? Oh and another thought - the picture of the module on your website shows a cheap clone - not a HM10 module. Genuine HM10s have an oscillator soldered on that is missing in your picture.

@Maxid Yes, my bad, 115200. I don’t think I ever said I’m using HM10.

I know - but it is obvious that it should be one. Using a fake is not cool when you actually sell them as a product - the datasheet for the genuine HM10s even warns about them on its first page.

It is pretty obvious that you are using a HM10. They are one of the only ones that work with iOS and Android. And your picture looks exactly like one. I also love the effort you have put into to keep this closed source, your code and all. And how (I think) it looks for a specific UUID for the bt module , maybe even name… Really weird how you say that the default vesc baud rate is 115200. The HM10s default is 9600. I still think you would make a ton more money if you charged everyone who downloads it $1-5 and let them use any ble module. That is just my opinion though…


That is just due to the fact that they are Bluetooth 4.0 LE modules and just that is available for free on iOS.[quote=“lox897, post:72, topic:13483”] maybe even name [/quote] I can tell you that the SSID (name) isn’t the protection.

When you flash the official VESC firmware the default baud is 115200. You can change that to 9600 over the BLDC tool. But because @rpasichnyk have programmed his HM10 modules to the 115200 baud you don’t need to change that.

So what do you think it is? I’m thinking it’s the UUID.

I was unaware that that was the default rate. Thanks

Then you most likely think correct. :sunglasses: But just @rpasichnyk himself could answer that, but I think he will not do it.

##time for the update!

:white_check_mark: The size of the text is adjusted, it doesn’t change so frequently any more. Much smoother look indeed. (kudos to @hexakopter for the suggestion)

:white_check_mark: Now you can view the chart offline (kudos to @hexakopter for the suggestion)

:white_check_mark: Download your data and do whatever you want with it. @tueboard already showed it’s quite easy to parse HTML and get the raw data, but now it is even easier. Just add ?format=json to the end of your URL and you will get the JSON.

:white_check_mark: Android Wear is now READY :tada:

@Pimousse thank you for the kind words. You can send me your module and get a discount :wink:

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Cool stuff! When you find the time, can you see if you can add Apple Watch support onto the to-do list?

Sure, Apple Watch is on the list :memo:


great updates!

i’ve just edited my code to read the json format.

can’t wait to put it on my eboard and give you some feedback :slight_smile:

That looks amazing. Nice to see my suggestions implemented that fast an well made.:+1: When you will have a christmas deal I would be definitely in to buy one. :grin::evergreen_tree: Is it possible to ship cheaper than 10$ to germany?

I don’t really like the idea of making discounts. It would not be fair to people who have already bought a product. In fact I am planning to slightly increase the price at some point next year. The apps will have a little bit more features and some feedback (hopefully good) and it will be less risk for new people who still hesitate. Consider there is a discount right now :santa: :evergreen_tree:

I am using (regular post) for shipping. Don’t know why but the lowest price for priority shipping with tracking to all countries (except Sweden) is the same. Without tracking the price is lower, but I don’t have time to deal with slow and undelivered mail. The best way to save on shipping is to do a group buy with your neighbors.


Any updates on implementing the @Ackmaniac watt controlled bldc tool?