Configuration and telemetry for VESC [iOS, Android]

@egzplicit Thank you for reporting, I have an idea why the bug is happening. My app saves the stats on destruction, but I receive this event only if the app is not frozen. iOS freezes apps after a while when you move them to background. The app however does not get frozen if it maintains active BLE connection. So the trick with force closing has to be done after powering down the module, moving the app into background and waiting for some time. I could finally reliably reproduce this. Fix coming soon.

Little embarrassing with miles, I multiplied the value by 0.62 instead of dividing by 0.62. Thanks for heads up. 8 / 0.62 / 0.62 is about 21 :blush: Will correct that as well!

@Pimousse This is very strange with the module not reconnecting. Does it start blinking when the connection is broken?

No, in my case I have cut around the button to free him … I put it out of the box, put ferrite, try with iPhone and Android lastest version.

@rpasichnyk it’s not really the module not reconnecting … yes but no :blush: It try to reconnect, and make it 10 times or more concecutivly. shorten session was automaticaly deleted and he try again. We enter the loop … I don’t remeber seen it blinding I guess. I will try again with Ack apps but with your module this time, cause with a standard 2€ BT and ackmaniac like I did before there is no pb at all. VESC6 may be the problem here ?? I also have focbox, just to see if its better … The last thing could be tested, is down the bauds… not sure about it but yes we have to test too.

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Could be a hardware issue with the module? Have you tried more than one??

Ha yes possibly… No… I only by one metr module, but before with classic BTmodule HM10 and ackmaniac I haven’t this kind of issues. But this apps looks so cool !.. It works a bit at 1st when just received it. Could reccord more than 5km before shut down connection if I remember well …

Hello, I’ve heard you can also make motor detection and change all parameters as if you were connected via USB to a computer.

If that’s real of like to order one module RIGHT NOW!

Yup there is a “TCP Bridge” button you hit that and it pops up a dialog with your IP/port it opened on your phone then on your computer you use connect using the TCP/IP tab in the vesc_tool, from there can do everything as though you are hooked up through USB. There is some delay in the data going through your network and then over bluetooth but it’s not bad for regular config stuff, I tried flashing the firmware over it and it takes incredibly long though so would recommend against trying that.

The TCP bridge is working perfect and reliable. Bought my 2nd module because of the great performance, support and development.

The module is inside the electronics box and issues happen only while riding. I’ll give it a try letting it outside to check the LED status.

One more thing to test : I’m finishing coding a custom VESC 6 FW and VESC Tool to disable nRF. After that, I will have no clue anymore to troubleshoot. :confused:

Thanks for the support anyway.

I used that a few times to do motor detection and it worked flawlessly every time. Just create the bridge and make sure you put the correct id of the vesc u want to configure. Such a great feature!

Hope that could make a difference for you Mr. P … Like I repeat here I do put it outside of the watterproof box … the module got a ferrite inside the box. (I can’t find it anymore,… Pimousse did I already send it to you to down the bauds ?? haha sorry ^^ )

Keep it until I test to lower the baudrate of mine as I’m not confident that it can help.

@wafflejock : Never tried the TCP bridge ! What an idiot !!! BTW, if the BT connection is not steady, it’s probably not a good idea.

Just discovered that you can connect the module and play songs on a Bluetooth speaker at the same time, nice

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Hi need a help I can connect my HM-10 Module To the app Can you help me thank you

Please be more specific so @rpasichnyk can help you. What’s the problem? Which phone do you use? Operating system? Version? Post screens off the app configuration of the VESC

Without details nobody can help you

I just finished my building is vesc6 And downloaded the app Connect the HM-10 Module to my vesc and open the app but is not connect iPhone 8 New iso

Have you checked the baud rate ? Replace whatever it’s written by 115200

I believe he has a generic hm10 not the metr one.

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Ive order the for my build.

How to install it? Would be super happy if someone could give me some support. If i understand correctly the 2.18 firmware can be used without any problems? But if you want to be able to change modes you need to upgrade the firmware?

Using bldc tool. Thanks!

Btw app looks sweet, last night i made the layout perfect for my needs! :slight_smile:

Dosnt work with metr. You need this one.