1st Modular battery with removable cells and bms!

Read your original post then look at your prototype. Does it look like anything you described in it? No That’s why a lot of people give you crap. You described the holy grail in your post and then presented nothing special. I think @Eboosted has a better solution so far and he didn’t make the claims you did.

Modular pack with removable cells: I don’t see a way for you to remove anything but groups of cells. Bad cell goes out: you still have to replace modules which are more than one cell. Removable BMS: I’m not even going to entertain this one


I didn’t say this was all I had I said this was all I had pictures of currently but I’m in no rush if you wanna follow the thread then do so if not then oh well. As for eboosted I made that design months ago he only made it faster because he was able to afford all the parts at once. (I mean no disrespect to u @Eboosted) I went for a redesign to make the charging more like that of a rechargeable drill. I’m not really here to entertain this is for people who have a bit more of a broader view though I do wish I had taken more photos before switching designs and such the final product will be done as soon as I can afford parts not all of us have money on demand for this sport. The bms I have currently is 6s which I do have photos of if you want to see but I’m now upgrading the pack to 10s so once I get the money the first thing I’m ordering is a bms and some connnectors to at least be able to do a test run. I can assure you however that the only thing slowing me down from finishing this is money and a research paper on cell regrowth

@Eboosted has had a working modular pack in his reaper since before you started this thread, his splits in 5 I believe. I’ve had a modilar pack in my gfs board since December but hers only splits in 2 for charging.

It’s not because we have all the money in the world. It’s because it’s really not all that spectacular…

A true fully modular pack like the one you described in your first post has never been done. Not even by you even though you said you had a working prototype which we have seen nothing about.

I’m waiting on the heat wrap, I’ll post a picture when I get it finished and next week I’ll test the battery through security check at the DFW airport

Done by uber respectable owner of endless-sphere and for sale


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Keep doing what your doing mate, the world is full of trolls that don’t do anything but screw with those that do.


How about some constructive criticism instead of just criticism there is no need to be a feminine hygiene product and the bag it came in. Or just help a brotha out and give ideas on how to make it work.


Are Tesla style packs designed to have cells individually replaceable?

When a cell goes bad, can’t you just replace the fuse write and reload the new cell?

Seems to be a lot cheaper than having a BMS for each cell.

Much appreciated good news is I hope to have made 300 by the end of today emough to order the majority of nwcessary parts

Good point it’s been hard to find that kind of wire for me though I was only able to find it in bulk

I looked into doing modular packs awhile back and spoke to Dr. something on ES who made several videos of all the cool electric stuff he has made. He said if I had a little knowldge of how an BMS works and some soldering skills I could take apart some BMS and use a CAN bus to connect the different packs for LV and HV cutoffs and + and - for charging. I didnt have the time or the skills at the time. I still think it is a great idea to make an almost idot proof and replaceable packs. My concept was to have a main compartment with BMS (brain), some sort of RX, and a VESC or two. This would let you add packs via CAN bus and power for 6s up to 12s. If one of pack goes bad the others would still work to get you where you need to go and not have to repalce the entire battery. Maybe too ambitious for the time and I didnt know enough about how everything works. Hope something becomes of your idea, either way you will have learned something.

The most appealing, idiot proof battery I have seen is the Ligo battery that Grin Technologies recently released. They are pricing at $140 for a 10S1P and only 10A continuous discharge but has some neat features.

I think its just a bms with a thin module for bluetooth and led connection. but yes I agree this is also the closest I have seen and I think 10a is good enough if you do 10s 3p we dont use much current anyways

Yes, I read that also and is very cool with bluetooth com and potted cells as well. I didnt get as far as costing the idea out which may have stopped me as well if it was out of reach or didnt make sense. Right now I have a 10s3p with all the bells a whistles for 300. The modular pack at 420.00 didnt make sense for my stiff bamboo board, however I am making a hybrid mountainboard and street carver with a flexible trampa deck and modular is the only way I want to do this. I was thinking about making 5 2s3p packs for my space , bought the batteries and now have to figureout what to do.

Its just so expensive if you go the bms route I am looking at doing cell holders inside of a case that will hold a 2s4p pack

I currently have 2s3p i just need the balance leads and bms which i finally got paid today so this should be fun

Thats great - so is the plan to put a full BMS in each pack.

Here is what I found a while back. Adaptto BMS is a modular bms that can be attached to each pack, would have to make something like this that can be broken into individual boards.


and this is what I posted on ES
