What is up with Abec11?!

Honestly at this point I see Orangatang wheels stepping into this void. You wait and see they will do 97mm wheels soon and maybe even larger.

ABEC really messed it up. Im not sure why they seemed so reluctant to dealing direct and actually stocking wheels but I think the time has passed now and others have stepped up

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I love the green though :frowning: And 107 is significantly better than 97 for board that can deal with wheel bite.

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I am tired of it!

Others will do 107’s man, wait and see

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I wish @ChrisChaput would do 97mm with the width of the 107s


image According to Muirskate, it’s happening


integrated pulleys now that is an idea

It’s a fantastic idea except it needs to be metal or it will wear out before the wheel does – and I hope it has lots of teeth so that gear ratios can be adequately adjusted with the motor pulley size

I think insert-pulleys are better.

If only ABEC11 had kegel-pattern holes…


I would agree, I think built in pulleys are a terrible idea.

What is the benefit?

Dumb idea…

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There always needs to be a benefit.

Your Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didnt stop to think if they should.


Like I said abec is no where they use to be …they are only marketing for the eskate…which is OK FOR US I GUESS…but really why redesign the wheel…and being a long boarder trick boarder for 25 years abec is far from who they were ten years ago… time for new ppl kegel I’ve heard and Seismic I’ve heard is coming to eskate world and hopefully knock this fool out of the game …160 bucks for wheels what a joke in my mind and all the eskate ppl jump on it no wonder prices don’t drop. And he is laughing… deep inside… I can get kegel and Seismic for 80 bucks half the price…common ppl wake up and smell the cheese

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yeah but for a long time ABEC were the only show in town.

Things are changing.

People who want the world’s best wheels will pay for them. If you don’t, go buy cheaper stuff. It’s easy. Some of us value safety more than money. Some of us don’t.

But either way you slice it, there is about to be a new player on the scene for top-end wheels besides ABEC11 and Boa Wheels. I’m glad ABEC11 is working on new stuff as well.

But if you’re looking for low price points, price is not the main thing driving these new wheel designs – quality is.

Frenchy my friend, when you feel the need to put an ellipses (…) into your sentence you probably either want a comma, full stop or line break.

Your posts are getting real close to being legible, just punctuate.


Lol ok @brenternet I’m a trying to be a positive keyboard warrior. @b264 the safety police is here. you need to do some research on REAL skatboarding wheels my friend… SKATBOARDING HAS BEEN AROUND FOR SOOOOO LONG. ESKATE not long at all… if those name are new names to you your far from knowledgeable in skatboarding world. If seimic has the world records for the fastest wheel DH longboarding at 140 k I guess your safest abecs just don’t even come close to being safe at those speeds my 97 refly wobble at 55k …so your a eskater only I can tell …I ride any popsicle stick that has wheels or just a plank. I actually push a snosk8 around town when I can you know what that is .


Yeah, I’m genuinely trying to help you bud, but if that’s the attitude that’s OK. :call_me_hand:


I have no attitude towards you. sorry @brenternet if you think i was being rude to you. im new to the computer keyboard warrior world as I’m a outside guy…and roigh English and slang French are my languages as I’m french native my parent spoke very broken to me as a child it was hard in school as a kid and English is the toughest language to learn. school they didnt teach me well as I was that class clown or out skatboarding smoking weed by age 12 trying to be cool .im very computer incompetent. Here is a good laugh it took me 4 hours to figure out how and where to download the vesc tool and then another 2 to find in the computer because it didn’t show up on my home screen lol. What a dumb dumb I am


Dude I like your info but the wall of text is like punishment. Give us a break and hit enter a few times?


I just want them to bring back their precision trucks.

Wobble at 55kph? Weird cause my 107s are as smooth as glass at 70kph+ maybe it’s not the wheels and maybe it’s your set up.