Volt regulator for 24V 5000mAh batteries

@linsus That would be great. I find it very hard to communicate electric schemes through words and so. Most of the time when I try to draw an electric scheme based of words I’m incorrect.

@b264 What exactly do you mean by that?

@linsus @b264 By the way, these are the parallel pieces I put together. Only need to buy some heat shrink from the store.

I mean in this forum the is one entire thread full of schematics already. You can look around

Those are cold solder joints. Make sure the wire and the connector are both hot enough to melt the solder and you’re not dripping it on like lava.

The connection that I can see on the black one looks good.

Don’t strip the wire more than you need to.

Hope this makes sense to you

@b264 I understand. What I do is at first I put a bit of solder on the connector and then saturate the copper wire with solder. Then I just try to fill in the hole that’s left with solder. I don’t know if that’s the best way to do it, but it works.

@linsus I only see two batteries?

It needs to get hotter. It’s not hot enough to weld the metals together.

Look again

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@b264 I don’t have acces to a welding machine, but this can be soldered just as well right?

@linsus I see it now. My only question is: why does the lower top battery need to be connected to B3 as well?

It doesnt, just showing you that its the same node

LoLz soldering is a form of welding. I meant soldering. Sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

@linsus @b264 Hi guys, hadn’t had much time to work on my electric longboard, but I just drew an electric schematic. I now linsus already drew something, but this is just to check if we’re on the same level.

The balance wires aren’t correct, and you don’t ever want male connectors on a battery

B+ almost never hooks to the BMS

Also you’d need to draw fat lines and skinny lines for 22AWG and 10AWG

Just draw it up for him then, Im not near a PC atm so cant rly check his picture or do a proper sch

There are already diagrams in the diagrams thread. If he draws it I will tell him if there are any errors. I’m not going to spend time drawing him a diagram. Unless he wants to pay me. Why don’t you draw it?

@b264 Hey, I was wondering about the parallel pieces, because you also form a closed circuit with the parallel pieces. Do the batteries have like diodes to make sure the the circuit only goes one way?


Take a peek at this one

Depends on your specific BMS though, and your setup.