VESC Nunchuk RF

I made a thing…


What is the range you get?

I haven’t finished it yet. I have a generic Wii nunchuck on its way to me now. I should have it assembled by the end of the week.

Well not to be rude the ranges you get from the nrf smd’s are terrible… Atleast for me. Thats why I asked what range you get? But there is a simple solution another nrf smd with the long range edition, in built antenna with PA and LNA. I have not tested it yet but I will confirm it in the end of the next month.

Well I still have two unpopulated boards so maybe I’ll give that a try too. Do you know of a source for the long-range smd NRF?

Well I havent recieved it yet and not confirmed it works. But here is the link:

Hello! I just built this NunchukRF 5.1. I have had problems. And i need some clarifications if someone can answer.

When i upload the code, (make upload) that’s pulled from git, it goes ok. But then it is all dead. It starts to work after i have “activated” it by connecting to Windows machine or by pressing “connect” on BLDC Tool. Even then it can’t connect to VESC.

Another scenario; everything the same except i upload this mystery code that i found on this german site: and it actually connects to VESC and functions ok.

It would be alright with this solution, but it deactivates randomly, or when i disconnect(desolder) the battery. Sometimes middle of a ride, or when i let it be after a long ride. I have confirmed that the issue is not the battery. Then it works happily again when i do the activation with computer. But sadly i don’t have a computer with me when i ride…

This is my second nunchuk, and it functions exactly the same. The previous got kinda broken, because i shorted the regulator and a battery trace burned. I replaced the regulator and all seem to work, it uploads the code without problems. But instead of red light flashing the green is flashing. And obviously it doesn’t connect to VESC.

So… What are your experiences with this? Do you need to activate the nunchuk? What does the green LED mean?

My VESC PCB is 4.12 and firmware 2.18.

Where did you get your NRF modules from, China? As far as I remember I also had some weird behaviour. Then I bought 6 (or more) of the modules and tried until git one which worked fine. The mystery code you found on the elektro-skateboard forum is fine - think there is only error in the LED red/green activation corrected.

Yea, China, through eBay. Those original looking, not blob. And chip says nrf24l01+. But how the NRF modules could affect to this mysterious activation i need to perform? Anyhow, i just ordered more of those.

While you have a fully functional nunchuk, do you need to activate it the same way i do? And can you get the original code to work?

Funny, while i’m using the mystery code or the original, all the LED behavior is the same. The pairing is flashing red until solid when it connects.

I need facts, so i don’t need to chase unexisting things.

The cheap china ones do not really work. There is a lot of luck involved if you get one working fine straight away. Benjamin also bought some china clones and they are all in the bin. Just not reliable!


Yep, both codes work fine for me. You can check the differences by comparing the sources. My initial problems where

  1. related VESC 4.7, so not of interest for you
  2. bad quality nrf24l01 modules - this is not visible from the outside so you just have to try

Setup process:

  1. upload the firmware
  2. activate nrf in BLDC tool, make sure you set the address correctly, depending on the resistors (binäry coded, 1111 hex = 16 dec) you soldered on the pcb
  3. establish connection by pressing c+z button

Don’t know everything about the meaning of the LED’s is, but what I I know so far is:

  • blue LED is used for charging, when the battery is fully charged it blinks slowly
  • while connecting, the green LED is blinking, after connecting it’s on (in your case ist might be the red since it is assigned not correctly in the original source)

I’m not sure what this “activate nunchuk” or deactivate process you’re referring to.

is there a reputable source for the nrf modules in Germany?

Rpn314: The activating i’m referring is that when there is no power, and i connect the battery, it is still dead, no c+z are working until i connect it to computer. I need to awake the nunchuk with Windows, bldc tool or maybe anything that tries to talk to the nunchuk, except the programming application.

The_Dude, there is no source code for the mystery firmware unfortunately. It would have to be asked from the person who posted it.

Seems that i need to try and see if the nunchuk awakens without computer, when i desolder the NRF module. That’s all i can think of.

OK, this is definitely NOT how it is supposed to be!

Puhh, as I said I ordered a whole bunch and tested them. Maybe Farnell, Mouser, … I would just check where they come from and ignore the offers from China :smirk:

If you want I can put the complete files including the compiled firmware and the makefile with the command for uploading the firmware on the pcb on my dropbox.

That would be great. Then i would see what is the difference between those firmwares.

Here you will find the sources:

I desoldered the NRF module, but my problem still persists, i need to “activate” the nunchuk. So it is not related to NRF module any way. Next thing that i can think of is that if i have some wrong component on board. Something that is related to stm chip booting. I’m using the right BOM, V5.

And i quickly tried that source you posted, it is different than what i found, since it behaves like you said, red and green is swapped. But i need to look more into it.